Looking for Pro Stock Reebok Hockey Shells

I have a rip in my RBK 5k pants and I’m trying to find the Navy shells, Buffalo Sabres 3rd or the Washington Capitals ones. I’ve tried ebay but no one on there has them. Anyplace else I could look for them?

Let me know if you find some

There are a bunch of other teams but none of the ones i’m looking for.

No lie, try calling the sabres. I know they were selling socks because league rules require that all visible equipment is clean/unripped/no fraying thus there is a lot of stuff that is one or two games and done.

Who would i call? Or could I email someone?

I will check with my buddy who picked up some socks from em.

I went to the sabres website and went to the bottom of the page and clicked on contact us. Ill see if they respond anytime soon and keep everyone posted.

any word?

according to my brother " he works at a hockey store " call the sabers store and ask for alec

Ok cool. I emailed them and still haven’t heard anything. I know I probably won’t hear back from them now. I’ll try calling the store and ask for him. Thanks.