Looking to rent an RV

Looking to rent an RV for a Buffalo Bills game this year.

Has anyone done this?

Any specifics on when you can be at the stadium and when you have to leave in the RV lot?

Any information is appreciated.


Never rented an RV, but I found this. IDK if it’ll help.

Aurora Car Care & RV Center
391 Olean Road
E. Aurora, New York, 14052
(716) 714-5749

Either that or Camping World. Also, if you ever decide you want to buy a 1-2k tailgater, my bro is the sales manager at Brv. I cant tell you how many decent rigs I sold to friends that turned them into those.

Also, I have 5 years experience selling RVs for a living so if you have any questions, just shoot me a pm.

Thanks alot Bobby! 1-2k is easily in the budget. What sort of size/vehicle are we talking?

You could get an older 1970’s 25-29’ for $1,500. Obviously you might have to do a basic tune up, but I guess it all depends if it is for you and your buddies or if there are females involved. I know some people prefer to go with all nice amenities, others prefer somewhere to get bombed and just keep warm.

If you want him to keep an eye out feel free to give him a call. 652-4500, his name is Randy and as I said, he is the sales manager. I’m not even sure if they have anything, but I know sometimes you can spend $1,500 just to rent one.