Looks like he may have come back too early. V. Tiger Woods out for year.

Watching Tiger > *

Watching everyone chase Tiger > *

Watching golf now that the excitement Tiger brings to the sport is gone. Meh… :shrug:

If you play golf, you can’t possibly hate to watch Tiger. That’s like saying you hated to watch Jordan play, impossible.

Not that I have to justify my opinions on a person, but I don’t like him, for a variety of reasons. It started in the beginning of his career, when he pretty much said he wasnt winning tournaments because the golf courses were racist. Really? Grass hates minorities?
Now it’s more whenever he gets beat, he doesn’t give his opponents enough credit, and is more “If I would have done this, this, and this better, I would have won.” Oh really? And if I would have qualified for the US Open and fired 4 straight 65’s, I would have won by 27 strokes. Who gives a fuck? Since I don’t know him, I have to go with every indication I get from this guy, which seems like he would be a real prick.

People who only watch golf because of Tiger aren’t real fans of the sport of golf anyway. They’re fans of one player. He hasn’t brought the game itself nearly as many fans as people think. If his career were to end suddenly, 90% of what he’s changed about the sport would go back to the status quo.

Untrue. I play golf, love watching golf, and hate Tiger. I’m glad he’s out for the exact reasons Joe mentioned.

“when he pretty much said he wasnt winning tournaments because the golf courses were racist.”

I must have missed that.