Tiger "Billion Dolla" Woods

He’s the fucking man!! That’s all.

Updated: October 2, 2009, 12:40 AM ET
Report: Tiger richest athlete in history

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Tiger Woods hit another milestone over the weekend.


But his most recent record wasn’t set on the golf course but, rather, should have a positive effect on his bank account.
The $10 million bonus Woods received by winning the FedEx Cup title makes him the first athlete to earn $1 billion, Forbes.com reported.
Woods had earned $895 million going into 2009, according to Forbes.com. Adding the $10.5 million in prize money from this season, the FedEx bonus and more than $100 million in annual off-the-course earnings, Woods has topped the 10-figure mark.
Michael Jordan and Michael Schumacher are the only athletes, according to Forbes.com, who even come close to Woods. Jordan has earned $800 million since he entered the NBA in 1984 and Schumacher $700 million, by the Web site’s count.
Woods, who is 33, has 95 professional wins including 71 on the PGA Tour. He has also won 14 majors.


happy gilmore is a better golfer :wink:


:tup: he also pays the most taxes in my county…

487,000 a year. property taxes. yikes.

awesome. one of my favorite athletes period…


Watching a couple weeks ago one guy asked the other, “Who is the most under rated golfer”? He responded with, “Tiger Woods”.

I agree.

And of course Phil whined about only winning the million dollar prize because he shot better than Tiger.
Yeah Phil, you played better ONE DAY out of the season you take the $10 million.
Phil is a loser even when he wins. What a turd.

Actually Phil played better most of the times they went head to head…final round at the Masters and the whole US Open come to mind. He just had bigger fish to fry this season.

And Tiger is still a douchebag. Just a very rich one.

Why a dbag?

Phil is a fucking headcase.


When all of the other golfers acknowledge their fan bases and stop to sign autographs and things, Tiger treats them like trees standing there.
When he loses a tournament, not only does he throw bitch fits the whole round on the course, crying and swearing and slamming his clubs and stuff, but after the round he just makes excuses and says the only reason the other person won is because he xxxxxxx… even when he missed the cut at the open. Every other golfer will actually acknowledge their competition and that they got outplayed. Not to mention his caddy, when asked what they thought of Phil, said “I wouldn’t call Mickelson a great player 'cause I hate the prick.” And Tiger didn’t say shit about it.
Numerous accounts out there in the media that he’s an asshole to the fans.


Haha whats kind of entertaining is that Woods is 33 and plays golf every day and has made over a billion dollars now and with this TW brand name and sponsorships probably close to a personal worth of almost 2 billion.

Steve Jobs is 50ish and been working his whole life innovating and changing the world with technology any only worth just under 4 billion…

Kinda funny

Ugh, I don’t know which of those 2 is a bigger fggt. But Jobs’ $1 a year salary prob has something to do with it.

Tiger is a douchebag… I saw him in Vegas @ Ceasars around 4am. No one else around except Charles Barkley and Stewart Scott. My buddy asked Tiger for an autograph and he said NO! Maybe he lost a few million and wasn’t in a good mood. :meh: He’s still the FUCKING MAN!

At least he finally stopped playing the race card every time he lost a few years into his career…that shit was so annoying. REALLY? You lost because the golf course was racist? I didn’t know grass favored one color over another.

He’s a great golfer, I’ll give him that, but he’s a whinny spoiled no mannered douchebag.

Its a known fact that grass doesn’t like black people. Do you ever see lawns in the ghetto?
