I understand your point but I almost resent that…I grew up in Sharpsburgh and went to Fox Chapel. talk about Culture Shock in your own back yard!
It was tough as hell growing up and going to a yuppy school dist. I moved out of there in 7th grade and grad. from Shaler High. Most of the kids were all middle class familys…but I go so much sh*t bc I was from “Fox Chapel” My parent didnt have a dime to their name bc they drank it away…but myself, brother, and sister did damn good in school.
We learned both sides of the totum pole…the wealthy and the sect. 8 side…we learned to respect both. By no means is it a childs fault bc their parents are money pits who act like they are better than the world or whos parents work 12 hours day to put oodles of noodles on the dinner table.
Its attidudes like that that create our segregation in schools. If a child is not challenged he is not taught.
By keeping these kids from having a better education…you are making them what they are.
I dont go to school anymore, neither does my brother and sister…and nor do we have children that do…but I am forced to pay taxes on those that do, therefore I would want my money to do the best for those children that can or can not afford it same as if someone esle who did not have children would be paying for mine!!!