Public Education System



What’s wrong with it?

What would you change?

on what level?

After the military I think uniforms should be implemented (except maybe fridays). It would erase boundaries of class, end distractions.

Regents level should be for all students. Even then that is not a high enough standard compared with other countries.

Dare I ask what brought this about???

I don’t want to get into myself… it would take far too long. But the short version, the system (in regards to the actual education) isn’t as bad as people make it out to be. The problem still lies at home where the parents are taking the necessary responibilities to ensure their child is learning what is taught at school.

K-12 for now

Well, other than the mandates of No Child Left Behind that the schools can’t possibly fund, so as such they have to take a ton of money out of their general funding to help the students who are struggling (and sometimes don’t care) the most, when it could be going toward all students, I think the only major problem is inequality of school budgets. Suburban areas approve their budgets with large tax bases and higher percentages, and their kids prosper. Urban schools where they can’t afford it suffer. Ideally school taxes would be a standard percentage across the state, but then the suburbs would basically be subsidizing the inner city in just one more way.

^Something like that. Richer districts equals better education.

Now, the real question is: What’s wrong with the CANADIAN education system?

I disagree with social advansement, if your ass is dumb enough to fail the 5th grade you should be left there till you pass.

I personally think public schools are great, just from the social interaction you get with different cultures and what not, but i did go to one of the top public schools in the country so my view on that alone will be slightly skewed

As a teacher I say get rid off the standardized tests.

On top of the local exams the students have to take in middle school each student had to take state tests. That added up to about 10 final exams for just the 8th graders to take. Along with training teachers to use the state rubrics, it added up to 18 lost class days over the school year.

Thats a month of school lost due to testing, thats just wrong.

yeah… most schools i’ve talked to pretty much think NCLB is just a hassle - not something that helps them to achieve higher educational goals. Joe’s right on that, can’t make some kids care, it’s not going to happen.


End it.

nowhere near what it needs to be. the US is WAYY behind in regards to other countries in the world.

Thats mainly in the area of testing, otherwise there is really no way of comparing the two.

Our educational system is more based on hands on material. While overseas schools are based towards testing.

Thats why we don’t do as well on standardized tests.

and put what in its place?

the interweb ^^

Standardized tests don’t even prove whether or not the student comprehends the material. I had students who did shit all year guess there way to a passing mark, while a student who gets 80’s all year pulls a 60% on the test.

Any true educator will tell you that the best way to find out if a students understanding the material is through ‘authentic assessment’ which are things like portfolios, labs, and research projects.


everything i know i learned in OT

So foreign students that have taken Dynamics, Statics, Calc 3 by the age of 17 can’t be compared with US students that squeak by on non regents Math III, and algebra based H.S. physics?

Also eliminate tenure.

And how do you expect people to fork over 8-10k/yr per kid? Do those children just not get an education? How do you make private schooling affordable to everyone without passing the bill to richer parents, essentially taxing them and thus eliminating the reason to switch to a private education system to begin with.