School aid increases...

Seeking “unprecedented” increases in school aid, Gov. Eliot L. Spitzer on Wednesday proposed a state aid increase of $40.2 million - or 9 percent - for Buffalo schools and $21.7 million more for suburban Erie County schools.

The governor also proposed $12 million more for Niagara County schools, with the largest chunk, $4.9 million, going to Niagara Falls.

In return for the increase in operating aid, Spitzer’s spending plan requires school districts with the largest aid increases to develop “contracts for excellence” demonstrating that the money will be used for smaller class sizes, more instructional time, teacher training, school restructuring or other measures aimed at better results.

“After this unprecedented infusion of resources, the focus of education debate in New York will rightfully shift to accountability and performance in the schools,” Spitzer said.

“There will now be no excuse for failure,” said State Education Commissioner Richard P. Mills, who will draw up specifics of the contracts. “A lot is at stake here. We are going to make it work.”

Buffalo would be required to file such a contract and, in all likelihood, so would several other school districts in Erie and Niagara counties.

Spitzer promised to develop methods to assess the effectiveness of school superintendents and principals, minimum standards for granting teacher tenure and report cards on individual students that chart assessment test results over several years.


Let’s hope the Teachers Union will settle the health care issues so the money can actually be put to good use.

Spitzer is probably one of the most genuine good guys to come along in a long tim

well looksl ike my girlfriend might not have to move afterall.

yeah too bad they took that money from health care…this state is run so craptastically. Perhaps if health care costs statewide were better off the teachers union would be more than happy to give in on some of the health care costs

Thy just need to stop treating NYC like any other city and let them run their own shit…


:tup: :tdown:

Money for education is great, but where is it coming from?

More money for education, property tax cuts… where exactly is it coming from? I did notice that part of his budget includes increasing NYS debt.

Spitzer has some genuinely good ideas. I just hope he has a way to pay for them while lowering taxes in this state, otherwise it’s all for nothing. Everyone knows this state is bleeding population like crazy, all because of high taxes and lack of jobs. Lack of jobs comes from the high taxes, so shouldn’t lowering taxes be the #1 priority for this state?

that makes too much sense :smiley: this is NYS we’re talking about here

you shouldnt get aids till at least college

:word: x infinaty.

Throw more money at the problem.:smash2:

I guess it is easy for Spitzer to spend my money.:gotme:

<-- strokedz28

and what problem is that? Schools desperately need the money, I`m sick of having to buy overhead sheets because the school doesnt have the money.

And don`t tell me its the teachers fault.

Here’s my problem. I think we can all agree that the biggest problem in NYS is taxes. High taxes are driving both people and businesses out of this state.

If you’re still with me, keep following…

People leave, businesses leave, more people leave. All those people and businesses used to pay taxes, so the state gets a lot less money. Remember, the state doesn’t sell anything, their money all comes from taxes, fines, and fees, all things paid by people and companies.

If you get serious about tax cuts, not some $400 property tax cut for families with a GROSS income < 60000, you would start getting businesses and people back in this state. That would give you more tax money to play with, and then you can give money to schools, medicaid, firemen… whatever.

What you can’t do is just keep spending on all those things at the same level, raising taxes on everyone but the poor to pay for it, while everyone but the poor takes off for other states. What scares me is that’s what Spitzer’s plan seems to be. I’m hoping when people really start digging into his budget that’s not the case, but nothing so far has given me a real good feeling.

NY already has the highest per pupil expenditures in the country. Will more money make the schools better? No, but it will gain the support of the teacher’s union for the Governor. Sounds like an excellent use of taxpayer dollars to me.

start giving it to kids in college. i get denied for any financial aid b/c both my parents hold good jobs… even when my brother was in college at the same time i was… i got nothing.

i hate when kids talk about getting their refund checks back so they can go shopping or out to party.

sometimes it is better to be poor.

My data is a bit out of date. The '03-'04 per pupil costs in the PRNY is $12,638. This is third, behind DC and NJ, which also have crappy schools. The national average was $8,300 in that year. So, we are already ~50% greater than the national average, but our brilliant new Governor sees the need for more money. Yeah, right. No wonder NY is going to hell in a hand basket.

Another reason Spitzer scares me A LOT. He was the union endorsed candidate. If you want to know what’s wrong with Buffalo schools, start watching the news and the things Rumore (teachers union prez) fights for. Believe me, it has nothing to do with “for the kids”.

true, and true… however there is supposed to be an implementation of accountibility… like never before.


BTW: $12,638 x 12 = $151,600. So, it costs over $150,000 to “educate” each kid in the PRNY from grades 1-12. Let’s say there are 30 kids in the average class. If that were so, at graduation from HS that class would represent ~$4.5 million in taxpayer dollars. But I sure that Spitzer’s “accountability” plan will get us our money’s worth.

I am certain some of you saw the John Stossel report “Stupid in America” where he talked about HOW SPENDING HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH RESULTS.
I know it is absolutely impossible to convince dems that throwing tax payer money at problems is not always the answer but, I wanted to remind you of that report.:wink:

The government has a monopoly on education when they should have nothing to do with it, save standards and regulation.
Schools should be private, not another government program.

AMEN! Oh, wait…