Another great example of NY's union problems

Since unilaterally imposing the single-carrier plan in 2005, the district has saved more than $40 million while providing teachers with medical coverage identical to the plans it replaced, district officials said.

But the State Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, denied the school district’s request that it hear the case. That, in effect, affirms an arbitrator’s ruling and two subsequent lower court decisions ordering that four health insurance options be reinstated, as required by the BTF contract.

So sorry, if you want to save that $40 million WITH NO DECREASE IN SERVICE TO THE UNION MEMBERS you’re going to have to negotiate for it. And since it’s $40 million in savings I’m sure they’ll want 40 million in new perks, maybe $35, so they can say they’re helping the children. :banghead:

I hate unions. I work in a position where I audit truck drivers and no one deserves to be paid 1 1/2 time due to road delays. I can’t wait til their greed comes crashing down on them



talk about shooting yourself in the foot. I’m sure that 40m saved would go a long way towards books and other expenses. Fuck that

I can’t believe that union MEMBERS don’t stand up to this bullshit. If they’re saving the state money, I’m sure the state would be a little more willing to throw them some extra $$$ next time contracts come up

Me, me, me! Now, now, now!

It wasnt the point of this particular change. It was the dangerous precedent that it set that the board could break a signed contract at will against the wishes of the other party. If they had gotten this through, it could have laid the grounds for stuff a lot worse.

What’s great about NY is you hear all these people pissed off about stuff like this and then who do they vote for?

Union endorsed Byron Brown.

Union endorsed Elliot Spitzer.

The majority of the county legislature? You guessed it, all union endorsed candidates.

Joe Mesi, union endorsed and in the the lead.

You get what you vote for with local government more than anywhere else so I guess WNY just likes getting fucked.

Shhhh don’t tell them

Wait, who the fuck is bacon?


Did I hear Mesi’s ad correctly?
I swear it says he wants to make it so everyone in NY has health care.
Is he on Crack or did he just take too many headshots?
A Big Mac is going to cost $8!!!

A great Joe Mesi video clip.

At least he’s better at dodging reporters questions than he was at dodging punches.

:lol: ouch

it amazes me that we are going to elect a guy into office who wasn’t smart enough to get out of boxing when his doctors told him with the right clobbering to the noggin you will most likely die… fucking amazing

well, to be fair, I believe his doctors said that he could fight, it was a committee that told him he couldn’t.

still doesn’t mean he should be running any kind of office though

I guess we should just throw out all contracts. The reason why the BTF is agaisnt this is there was a contract that was broken. Yes it saves the city money and yes they should work on it but you don’t just bypass a written agreement.

The city started this with scrapping thier agreement with the Union, if they are allowed to do it with thier healthcare what will stop them to do it with other areas? They should have worked more with the Union before unilaterally making a decision.

x2 but people tend to forget that.

Teachers in Buffalo get treated like absolute garbage, and now the city wants to try thier contract and throw it out the window. How would you feel?

would you rather have them lay off a whole bunch of teachers… im sure thats not in the “contract”

unions are dumb and outdated and need to go… end of story

I wish they would just fire 1/2 the staff and teachers. I don’t have kids in school, and when I do I’ll be paying for it, so I want to save as much as possible in taxes.

Last time I checked you can amend contracts…

The fact that the city thought that they can simply break an agreement like this is the reason why unions are still needed.

I’m not saying that the healthcare providers don’t need to be reformed in Buffalo, what I am saying is that you need to work with the unions to do that not take a unilateral action like the city did.