Hey Buffalo on CNN!

Way to go Buffalo.

“You have a 49 million dollar deficit. What would you do with an extra 6 million a year?”
“Hire more teachers”

Where did these people learn math?

Every time I see Phil Rumore on TV I want to punch him in the face.

Oh wow! So that’s why im paying school tax. I don’t have kids, and all these years I thought I was paying taxes so that someone else’s kid can get a piss poor education. Now i know that i am paying school tax so that Ms Nancy can get bigger boobs. Well as long as i know where my money is going.

Lol I know a girl who got a boob job done courtesy of the Buffalo School District…

They came out nice, but I couldnt have been more disgusted lol. I just dont understand how city officials get so much of this shit wrong. How can something like this happen in this city the way were bleeding money left and right as is. I WANT TO PUNCH BABIES RIGHT NOW!!!

A little off topic but I know the doctor mentioned in the video and he does excellent work. :tup:

Didn’t I hear this story a year ago?
It is fun to guess what the next black eye on Buffalo will be though.


Go ahead. The reconstructive surgery would be covered by his insurance and he’d probably get an eye lift while they were at it.

I think its getting attention again due to the fact they are closing schools yet still paying millions in these benefits.

The school district doesnt pay for anything their insurance does, do you guys just like to complain about things because you dont get them too? Maybe if you stopped complaining about what others are getting that you arent you might be able to put in enough effort to get them for yourself. They have good insurance which offers a service which others do not and yes they might pay extra for it but they pay for it not you (yes i know taxes pay salary but every school district needs to pay teachers figure out how much more youd pay if you had to send your kids to private schools).

The higher/better coverage plan the more it costs the employer and in this case the more it costs tax payers.

I can’t think of many other jobs that pay for cosmetic surgery.


Dear god tell me you really think insurance companies freely offer surgery to teachers and no one pays for it at all… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

When you get health insurance through your employer, it is considered Employer Sponsored. That mean that your employer is paying for a portion of your health insurance premiums. This is what allows you to get low cost health insurance through your employer. Without your employer paying for a portion, the cost to you would be significantly higher. This is why people without a job, often elect to not have health insurance, it’s not affordable.

So, your employer negotiates with the insurance company and determines what your plan will look like, and what the coverage will be. They can choose to have certain care types added or removed (barring any laws that prohibit deny coverage for certain things). So, most plans don’t cover cosmetic because the premiums are much higher, that cost is passed on to your employer and likely you the employee to some extent.

Did you really just have to explain how health insurance works?

Seemed justified based on the previous comment

I was more or less kidding, but i think boxxa did a better job lol

You know, at first I was a little surprised that someone wouldn’t understand how it works…Then I realized something. That I should stop being surprised by how truly stupid some people are.

Buffalo teachers make jack shit for their first ~20 years and need Masters degrees, and they have to deal with undisciplined little fuckheads all day. I’m sure they’d be more than happy to downgrade the insurance if they didn’t make 30k.

i don’t remember exactly what it was…but there was a trade off at the time of the negotiating of this contract…they ended up getting the cosmetic surgery coverage because they couldn’t get something else which was more typical… i just don’t remember what it was at the moment

I know that the employer covers a portion of the insurance but it is included in their pay package which employer (the state) agreed to. They pay the same ammount if people get the surgery or not so it doesnt cost more or less its simply part of their insurance coverage. So why are any of you saying “I dont want to pay for xxxx with my tax dollars” teachers get shit on enough and are constantly being made to either give back part of what they are due or being cut completely. Fact is when there is a budget deficeit teachers and jails are the first thing to go. Everyone is only concerned with themselves and i dont know how many times ive heard “I dont have kids, why should i pay school taxes” this is just ignorance and i truly believe no one who says this has any idea how important education is. New York education is extremely good and the teachers get more because they are effective, when i moved to florida my very first job interview as soon as the owner heard i was from new york with an actaual diploma and not a GED he hired me on the spot (he was from Syracuse) and my first day at work i knew why, the other 2 guys on the job could barely read and had no practical knowledge, so instead of bashing teachers for their pay package why not thank them for doing a decent job teaching your kids because many other states have no where near the level of educators that we do here and they deserve every advantage they get. Im sure boob jobs were not the point of putting this insurance package together in the first place and its more for optional but helpful surgery option such as breast reduction to cut down on back issues for female teachers, but if the insurance pays for it then more power to them.