School aid increases...


Btw…I agree with you as far as just throwing more money at it hoping the problem will go away. The problem is also that teachers have no more passion for teaching. All the great teachers I have ever had were great because they had a real passion for teaching and what they did, they were not just in it for a paycheck.

No, the problem is that parents aren’t spending enough time raising their kids. Subsequently educators are becoming paid parents and school becomes daycare instead of a place of learning knowledge or skills.

the whole problem is that there isnt enough spending. How many of the best and brightest college students want to make dick for a living? None. I’m a senior at canisius right now, and the education majors are all the ones that flunked out of better paying ones or people who go out 5 nights a week and pass with C’s. I’d love to go into the field, but I’m going to take my 3.97 cumulative GPA into investment banking, because 100k a year > 30k…no dice. Until we start paying teachers on par with doctors and lawyers, we will continue to fall behind to india and china and eventually lose our ONLY competitive advantage.

Also truth.

“There will now be no excuse for failure,” said State Education Commissioner Richard P. Mills, who will draw up specifics of the contracts. “A lot is at stake here. We are going to make it work.”

Sounds pretty good to me. Now give it some time and a chance.

There may be no excuses, but there will also be no consequences. Do a little research on “tenure” as applied to NYS public school teachers and then consider the political power of the teacher’s unions. The result of this initiative will be already overpaid teachers making more with no difference in results. I’d be willing to bet on it.

The only way to improve schools in the PRNY is to break the union.



There’s no reason teaching shouldn’t be one of the highest paid jobs in America.

As a teacher I would like to dissagree with you but I really can’t because we shouldn’t. The only thing I will say that if you have a masters in education you will still be paid under 40k a year. Thats just BS.

You must be working in the wrong district. I pay taxes in the Williamsville Central SD. Mean teacher salary is currently $60,280y. Benefits are ~35%. So, total with benes is ~$81,000/y. The school year is 180 days. So, figuring 8h/d the teachers here make on average ~$56/h with benefits included. That’s ~$450/8h day. If they worked what most people work (48 weeks) it would be equivalent to $108,000. My hourly rate isn’t much more than theirs, and I work under incredible stress nights, weekends, and holidays. Many of you probably work a lot harder for a lot less. How much do you want them to make?

A Master’s in Education is the easiest graduate degree offerred. And most teachers aren’t very good at it (look at the results). But as long as they don’t molest the kids, they get tenure in three years and then it’s the gravy train all the way. Work 3/4 time for an average of $60,000/year and retire after 30y with a handsome pension, sounds pretty sweet, eh? Sure, teachers in this area need more money (not).

In the interests of fairness, there are states where teachers are underpaid. This is not one of them. The state mean is $55,181.

Richard Mills needs to be locked in a cage. He’s an idiot.

The increase I was talking about would be an across-the-board change, nationwide. No more huge differences based on state to state, this would need to be at the federal level. It would need to be an overhaul, making graduate school in education on par with med and law school, with a high degree of selectivity. Those that do make the grade, of which there wouldn’t be that many, would be much more qualified. The solution for the problem isnt to pay existing teachers better and throw money at the problem, it needs to be fixed from the ground up. Right now, most of the best college students don’t go into the field because it doesn’t pay enough, and the exceptional students that do go into the field are overshadowed by a lot of mediocre ones, because they skated through school.

Joe: my hat is off to you. That makes great sense. Joe for education czar! In the sense you mean, teachers are underpaid. In general (with many exceptions) as it is, teaching attracts people who want a comfortable living without working too hard, not those who strive for excellence.

It would be fantastic if we could change that.

Oh I fully agree. But many teachers just don’t care anymore either. A teacher with a passion for what they do is a world of differance from one that just showes up for the paycheck.

First off you must consider that any teacher making that kind of green has been there for years. And you have to include NYC teachers who get paid more based on cost of living in the city. Your average starting salary in this state is around 33k with a bachelors and 35k with a masters.

You won’t find any teacher hired in the last 7-10 years making that kind of money or having those kind of benefits. Also there has been a huge retirment in the schools systems over the past 3 years so I would imagine your figure is wrong as long as you don’t include NYC.

If you don’t believe me take a look.

And how the fuck do you know how easy or hard it is to get a masters in education? Have you gone to school for one?

I don’t tell you how much you should make don’t tell me how much I should. You don’t know shit about the work thats involved in becoming a teacher in NYS. Or how stressful the job can be. A large portion of education majors drop out because they think its a cake job. Its not. Untill you have 120+ students that your responcible for, each with thier own problems and parents, don’t come sprouting off how easy it is or it for people who don’t want to do work.

You want to blame someone for taxes, blame NYC, the state aid that our region gets is minimal because off the bullshit in NYC.

Those teachers don’t tend to last very long.

And those people tend to be quite suprised when they find out exactly how much schooling and work is involved in becoming a teacher.

Since I am forced to pay teachers I have every right to bitch about it. And yes, I know a lot about graduate education of all kinds and a Masters in Ed. is a complete joke. The salaries are the median - in case you didn’t learn what that means getting your Masters in Ed., it means 50% make more than that amount.

One of the BIGGEST problems in NYS is the teacher’s unions. Break them (and the other public employee unions) or the state will die. Or maybe it’s already dead and they are feasting on the carcass? Yes, we are in excellent company with DC and New Jersey. All are thriving due to the excellent education provided by their highly paid teachers (sarcasm).

The education system sucks.

Yeah I get the whole median point I was saying that I think you stat is wrong based on the number of retirements. Hence I said most teacher working in the past 5-7 years are not making that kind of money.

Also for your information you do not need a masters in education, you need to get a masters in your field in order to teach, so since my subject is social studies my masters is in History. Also how do you figure a masters in ed. is a joke? Every college that offers it has thier own specific requirements. Have you checked them all?

How many kids do you have in the Williamsville Central School District? Since you seem to be so pissed at the job that they are doing. Even though they are rated one of the top school districts in the state.

If you want to lower the salaries of teachers then lower the requirments to become one. Then you can have all the retards you want teaching our future generations.

Its problems are rooted more with Albany not with the teachers. We’re just trying to work with it.

I wont pretend to know much on the subject because I really dont.

Breaking unions seems to be the first tier solution for poor performance in just about every industry. Tells you something.