Attn: NYSpeed Parents, Montessori info?

My wife and I are looking at enrolling our daughter in Nardin’s Montessori program. What I am looking for is feedback on the Montessori system of education and Nardin as a school. We recognize that Nardin is continually ranked top in Buffalo but is it really worth the cost?

I personally have no experience with either the school or the program and before we drop the money I would love to hear a first hand experience.


You really think that people on this site are going to have first hand info for you on this subject? Or are you just trying to brag that you’re trying to get your little fucker into it and waste a shit ton of cash on it? This would be like posting a thread on a Catholic priest website telling them to refrain from ass rapeing the alter boys-pointless.


And this is coming from an educator, not just an NYSpeed member.

It’s a lot of hype for a the amount of money you spend. Better off enrolling in an actual structured private school. Montessori education just makes for students that “think” WAY too much and come out acting snobby.

My hypothetical children will go to private school so they don’t pick up bad habits and poor people mentality from common folk. (trolling…but srsly they will).


PM me and I’ll get you in touch with one of my friends who is a teacher at a Montessori school (not Nardin unfortunately) she will be able to fill you in first hand what its like.

C’mon!!! Really?!?

Them nardin chicks turn it out.


Will do. I am not set on Nardin but from my reading it is the best around. Who knows what people are using to compare against. I cant imagine that someone is sending different kids to different schools.

---------- Post added at 07:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 AM ----------

Yes I do think that people will. Not everyone on here is a waste of space and as you can see I already have an open door to get some of the information that I want. Early childhood education is not a shit ton of cash like their normal school that I can not afford but thanks for your ever useless addition though.

---------- Post added at 07:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 AM ----------

The flip side is that we would only have her in that environment until kindergarten. So from 18mo - 5 years she would be in a free learning environment then transitioned into a structured learning system. Unless I hit the lottery there is no way that I can afford to send her and her sister to that school permanently. The Young child hood education is only a fraction of the cost and I think that it would at least put her on the correct path socially and educationally. As it sits now she is home with her mother all day and does not get a large amount of interaction with other kids so the social interaction is also a major driving force behind this decision. Oh, and it is only 2 or 3 days per week for half days. Is there something else that you could suggest looking into?

Ahh, well that does change things a lot. If you did the traditional K-6th schooling (Montessori) that would be another story. By then they’ve developed a certain learning pattern that doesn’t always mesh well with traditional structured education, private or not. But for early childhood education it’s a great idea, it’ll help her develop social skill learning at an early age. Imagine it as a pre-school on steroids. Cognitive skill learning increases drastically when exposure to peers is allowed at early ages.

My approval if it’s for early childhood :tup:

What about public schools? :lol:

I went to a private middle school for a few grades and went to St Joes for a while…Private school pretty much sucks.

The middle school was super small and sheltered kids way to much.

Oddly enough following people from Williamsville East vs St Joes im pretty sure the public school people turned out better career wise.

Either way im sure early child hood education will be beneficial I would just weigh long term.

So what’s your plan for post kindergarten? Move?

Don’t you work out this way? What about putting her on one of the suburb pre-k programs? I can’t say enough good things about our experience with Discovery Kids on Stall in Amherst. They structure their program around NYS schools so the kids are completely ready when they start kindergarten. I had to laugh when we went to the kindergarten orientation and they asked if she knew her colors and ABC. The kid has been reading her bedtime stories to me for a couple months now.

I just enjoy mentioning it since he told me my house was shitty :lol:

I never said your house was shitty…

And yes we do plan on moving. We are living pretty cheap at the moment being within the city limits and will fight it out over my build or her buy in the next couple of years. I have not found the proper piece of land to build on so I am not sure what school district we will land in. That list will help in hunting for the right place though. I will check out Discovery Kids and compare the program and costs, thanks for the info.

I am mostly trying to concentrate in the now and plan for the future without committing to any specific scenario. I do not know what will change in the next 4 years so the more prepared she is the the easier it will be to make decisions later.

I would work as hard as you could to get your children into a charter school. As early as you can, then the rest are grandfathered in to follow. No teachers union, teacher is lazy and sucks? Throw them back and pull another out of the river. Wife’s a teacher, mother in law is an Aide in a buffalo charter, Honors pulls most of their kids from charter schools.

^ I hate to admit but he’s right.

Charter schools and trade schools are going to make a big comeback, in NYS at least. With funding at an all time low all across the state (yes, even those fantastic districts like Lancaster, Clarence, Amherst and Williamsville), you’re going to see education cuts, programs eliminated, and teacher strikes.

I’d make the move to charter schools now and save yourself the trouble of adjusting later on.

Some of this is true. I loved hearing stories from my 1st grader about the kid that threw things at the teacher… In Ken-ton.
Yay title 1 status.

I believe it is the local population that is the reason we are hyper active PTA parents.
All the things that hold true for adults hold true for children. If you surround yourself with DB’s, guess what. You’re going to be a DB too.

Unfortunately there are too many kids subjected to poor parenting from birth. Kids will make it through public school fine, but it will require a lot more parental effort to
teach kids about people that suck, why they suck, the consequences of them not knowing they suck, and how they will get all the extra attention they need because we have
minimum standards to meet.

My wife is all about the Charter School, but I just am not finding enough well presented information on them. I guess I could take a week off and go on loads of tours, but even then all you get is a song and dance.

It is the poorly parented kids that I am hoping to remove a percentage of by avoiding free education. You will always have DB rich people that just dump their kids in because it is easy, but you will have a larger population of parents that give a shit and are working hard to provide the best education for their child. I want my children to have a good education and hopefully we will be able to build their work ethic by showing them that we are working hard to allow them this privilege. I am assuming my kids wont suck (unless I suck and just don’t know it…) and will excel in any environment but the more I can steer them from a young age the less I will have to worry when I am no longer able to steer a bitchy teenager.

200ish out of 700 districts will close due to bankruptcy in the next year. The avg number of personnel cut by each district this past year and forthcoming year is 100 employees (teachers, aides, lunch ladies etc) thats 7000 people out of work. Almost all superintendents state wide got a raise in the past 12-18months. The state wants the education system to fail so the charter schools take over, privatize and they can be out of it. The board of regents won’t let it though. They pull charters based on lobbying from the districts hungry to get their money back. It’s a big mess…

Take the dog and pony show with a grain of salt. If you need any real references, I have many personal friends that would gladly talk to you about their schools.