Attn: NYSpeed Parents, Montessori info?

They do more with less, no union dues, no union regs, they have their goals, rules and regulations and work within them. Their test scores don’t lie, and they turn out a much better “product” by far. They’re under the microscope constantly and regular schools not so much.


Most superintendents are either Special Ed, or Phys Ed. They have the lightest “work load” out of school. How many term papers does a Gym teacher correct? Lesson plans are much simpler as well for students who have the mental capability of a 4 year old who can never or will never advance. They go back get admin degrees at night, PHD’s and become superintendents! The average lifespan of a superintendent is around 3-5 years in a district. Teachers once tenured is around 25yrs. Think of how many they’ll see come and go… and brush off b/c they’ll be gone soon enough. A new one comes in, has his 5+ year plan, starts to spend $$$$ to get it in place, and gets shit canned before it’s fully in place, new one starts out, and does the same. Just like a 1 term president no one likes. Charters are run like a business, if they don’t have the money, you don’t get a raise, if the money is there, they spread it around. No community budget vote for a new fucking stadium to get the jocks and soccer mom’s hard, no bullshit 6 figure salaries for a home economics teacher retiring tier one pulling 80% of her salary and 100% medical til she dies with survivor benefits that would make you cry to get. It’s fat, top heavy and is collapsing around itself. Tier 5 has no pension, only a 401k program full of fail last I read, I’m a few weeks out of keeping track of it. Motocross, you’d probably be more up to date than myself. But they’re bleeding to death trying to keep up with people who will not retire b/c it’s too good, and once they do retire, it’s still too expensive ala: UAW fat cats. Big three are making great strides to cut themselves free of the retirement plans of yester-year, and the state is doing the same. Private education is the future.

or you move to Williamsville…

Don’t speak so soon… I have multiple retired tier 1 family from that district, and a lot of family currently active in the district… it’s about to get ugly.

Zac, you’re on top of it.

I could go on for days about public education, but for this threads sake I’ll just leave it at this: if you’re in a position to send your child to a private/charter school, do your research because they are not all created equal. But, once you’ve determined which one to send them to, do so.

The opportunities and benefits are awesome.

There’s a lot that goes on in public schooling that the public doesn’t know or understand. They want it to stay that way because it’s the public that pays the bills.

I’m not saying all public schooling is bad. There are a TON of amazing educators that would bend over backwards to help their students to succeed, myself included, but the way the system works they are limited by both budget and regulations.

I would suggest Nichols School downtown personally. Thought I had a great education there knew alot of kids that came from Nardin. Pretty sure its the only private coed school too at least in highschool.

And they’re having their wings clipped and put out to pasture to get them off the budget due to state and fed cuts. I have a lot of teachers as customers and they lights are growing dim with them, and it makes me sad.

It’s not a good time to be an educator in NYS, trust me.

This whole situation NYS is in sucks the motivation out of you.

I may be looking to finding a job at a charter school next year if the opportunity arises.

I have contacts. K-8th openings, more grade levels every year thereafter.

Spam is living, :wink:

He posted what I would have said. I am not big on it for this reason alone, “I don’t have story book family, and that matters there”

But I do dig the outfits :slight_smile:

I stumbled across this place:

That is a crazy amount of $$ for a 5 year old to learn whatever it is you learn in kindergarten.

Thank you for all of the information guys… this was already something that I have poured a lot of thought into and now I have even more to figure out.

Putting all of that money in a 529 plan would be a better investment.


+1 on the state heading down the path of bankrupting districts.

I went to a ton of BOE meetings for KenTon this year and it was not fun. Parents giving sob stories, teachers giving sob stories. Lots of crying and criticizing cuts etc…

Not one person offered ANY solution to save their <insert program/teacher budget cut here>…
The unfortunate problem is that people are the largest expense to a school district. All the public voting BS is only to change a small percentage of the overall budget.
Maybe they should repeal Triborough… That would buy another year or two.

I have not decided if the state wants to run the show 100%, or outsource. The fact is public education is going to have serious problems in the next 5 years.
I’ll have to look into charter schools one of these days. The problem is, as involved as we are, the teachers and staff have been great to us.
Charter schools are also helping kill public education… It’s what happens when you remove the best and brightest from society yet hold the remainder accountable to the same standard. Lucky for us, people that should have never procreated won’t stop, and those that care, stop at one or two.

The hardest part of all the budget mess for me is that it is hard to run social services like a business.
The “products” that require the most resources may still end up being the least desirable.
Thats bad for everyone.

Seems like a stretch based on the current tax base for Williamsville schools.

Both my niece and nephew go to Montessori schools… one is 3 the other is 5. I think they pay around 30K a year to learn how to color. That shit cray!

I guess it comes down to how much coin you pull. 30K a year is a ton of money to us but maybe to them it is nothing.(?)

Yeah they got money but they also live in a county thats nationally ranked for their public school systems each year. So on top of high taxes they fork over a ton for private school tuition. I went to one of the classes and here is what i noticed.

  1. very small class size… probably like 8-10 kids
  2. 2-3 instructors per class
  3. all different ages… like 3 yrs olds mixed in with 6 yr olds etc.
  4. no individual desk… big community work tables
  5. no recess (i love recess)
  6. everyone brings their own lunches… no cafeteria
  7. whites are the minority, most kids are Asian or Indian

The budget problems in NYS public schools are coming from state cuts to education… not a declining tax base at the district level.