Attn: NYSpeed Parents, Montessori info?

There is no need to dish out that kind of money if your wife is home with the kids. They should be learning more being with her than in a pre-preschool atmosphere. A nice and cheap/simple private school should be all that is needed then for kindergarten on up.
The key I believe will be high school. That is when they will gain real freedom and be the most impressionable. You want them to build good work ethic and study skills during this point to prepare them for college.
The behavior of kids was much different 10 years ago than it is today. If it continues on this trend, I’m scared to see what another 10 years will bring.

I almost completely agree with your statement. If she does not have a solid foundation of social skills from a young age to carry her into and through her adolescence then no matter how focused we are on her HS education we will just be one of the many forces trying to move her in a direction. Basically I feel that adolescence is too late to focus. If we start focusing at a young age and have those values and morals instilled it will make the HS years that much easier on all of us.

Where we really see eye to eye is the behavior of this generations youth. I cant stand a lot of what I see and hear, and I was no angel. I guess that I just feel that it would be best to beat those forces to the punch and honestly I am not concerned with the money. If I have to work harder or for longer to provide my child with a better life than I had (and I had it really easy so this will be hard) then I will at any monetary cost. I am a pretty materialistic American, but I do still believe that there are other things that are way more important than my success or money and that is my children. I want them to have the absolute best chance at a great life. If I hand them the keys to their future and help teach them to drive it properly then it is on them to steer it properly. My parents tried to do that for me and I made my mistakes and took some wrong turns, but in the end I learned a lot of solid lessons and have come out on top. If them going to a great school gives them a 5% greater chance of landing a good job or getting into a great college, I will give up one or both of the expensive cars and lease a focus. I guess it all comes down to perspective on the situation and my perspective is a caring father that would do nearly anything for his kids.

I went to Montessori; results speak for themselves.

Great your kid is going to be a dick online :lol:

So you must have gone too? :slight_smile: