looky please

Not by me.

Got all sorts of members asking to get back in.

Some that have been around the scene for years, others just trusted members.

I’m still trying to find out how slowmarro makes his decisions as I asked above.

nope , cause the list on my end isnt complete . bwe or whatever isnt on my list . and some others dont have the icon by there name so i cant remove them . has nothing to do with populaity . radoman has never once done a street race and from numerous sources he has ran his mouth about what happens as i have seen it on a.u.g and so on .

still here yayyyyy thanks john, your the bestest


thanksssss pawzzzy

would u fucks stop lol , i raced most that are in here so i know who is who . butt like i told vlad most that are on here i cant remove cause the list i have is all jacked up lol

I guess I’m good to go. NICE!

Travis needs to get the video of me vs. that red lancer up! lol


Even though I don’t race, am I still in (I only want to be in because you guys have had some funny threads in that place - if it’s getting changed to JUST street racing then I’m good :lol) after you guys are done? I’ll line up with the M if that’s what it takes although I’ll most likely lose to half the cars on this forum. Only putting down like 250hp at the wheels on this 4klbs pig…I’m sure I can’t hang with a lot of you lol.


I’ll race you with my g/f’s g6 gxp lol



i like vagina

So is this section fixed yet?

I saw dumbasses new thread about if you suddenly cant view it. I think it should now go to strict denial it even exists

How the fuck did this get so fucked up?

Vlad, even trusted members and people who have been around for years I don’t think should necessarily be in here if they don’t partake in said activities.

Vlad you need to look at the logs my friend, if you can’t do it from your iPhone i’ll have to see if I can get in and look.

Like I’ve stated many times, I don’t have access to Admin panel logs.

With that said, there are plenty of members that are in here or were allowed in here by people other than me that don’t partake in such activities yourself including.

The section got mixed between actual SRS and just private/epic content and it will need to be split in the future.

Should we get a VIP membership thing going and have a VIP section?

Oh really?

Just because my cars been out of commission doesnt mean anything vlad :lol

No fuck that VIP membership bullshit. THis isnt fucking Rspeed.

Lets just have SRS for just racing and then have a very limited very very strict super secret section

And how would we determine who’s in?

Inner circle debate on every single person. I think by now we have a good idea of who is a true shifter and the forum would miss if they werent around to get a strong round table going then branch out from there.

People who aren’t tools and can be trusted to keep their fucking mouths shut