loony tuners

I can’t understand where people get these ideas anymore. You see people talking about gaining 40 horsepower off an air filter mod. People talking about magical adjusting valves that change clearance in higher rpms. Then I read about some kid asking what a good bolt on turbo is for his b16 and someone suggests a gt42r? Come on now? Don’t people think about things before they post them anymore. Don’t get me wrong there are a lot of people on this site with really good advice that really know there shit. But then there are others that just make up the most ridiculous shit. Why do people lie so bad? I don’t clam to know everything but some of the above examples are the dumbest shit I have ever read. The more I think about it I want to sale my import because I don’t want to be associated with the import crowed anymore. Sorry just venting…

im not trying to be a dick but the only advice i have for you is quit worrying about everyone else and their opinions. it just comes with the terriotry. if it bothers you that bad sell your car.

i get asked on a regualar basis if A) i drift my car b) if i plan on swapping in a SR or C) if i wanna sell my car. i dont bitch about it because i do my thing and could care less who does what with their car.



there is no intellegence test to be a pittspeed member.

welcome to the tuner world after The Fast and the Furious… It all went down hill after that pile of shit came out

There’s a reason why these people are that stupid-so you notice them right away and can avoid them as much as possible.

Welcome to being a part of the ricer crowd…switch over to an american V-8 :slight_smile: and you’ll have to deal with less douch bags (key word = less)

I guess every crowd has their douchebags but I think its more pronounced in the import world because its the “in” thing. If american v8’s were still in the silver screen spotlight then you would probably have the same thing.


they are…you live in PGH…aka mustang/camaro/mullet haven! :mullet: