Tuner beginner's..a guide

Ill start this out couse i have seen some scary shit on this forum from time to time…dont get me wrong…there are some really good peeps here…but then there are the basher’s …

#1.) If your new to engine tuning and or building, try to hook up with some peeps who rebuild or tune them selves…and absorb the info they give…

#2) Dont be afraid to post or to ask questions…everyone starts at the beginning…

#3.) Dont pay any attention to someone bashing your newbie post…if you are allways worried about what they say…you will never get anywhere with your project…besides…good peeps will chime in and smack em down…

#4.) read…read…read…read…S/A books are a good start…modifyed mag…project car…Dsport…are just a few good import mags to poke throu…and save!..for future refrence.

#5.)If your unshure of a procedure and are uncomfortable…take your project to someone who knows…watch there everymoove…and ask questions…

#6.) passing it on…pass on the info you have learned to others just begining…its a close comunity and we should all watch eachothers backs…no matter where ya live…and its a way to give back to others who are in the tuning world.

#7.) document…document your projects with photo’s and a small discription…so you can refer to it later…and allso pass on info with a pic diagram:)

this is just my opinion…there are many tricks to a procedure, and tool supliments…ect…asking questions on a forum and giving advice in return is just one way the comunity grows;as long as we keep it positive…if you disagree with a post…dont bash the poster with negitive crap…just state a point of view in a post…slanderouse personal attacks only show ignorance and inmaturity…Liquid_cool36

Pittspeed hasn’t been about cars since 1967, check the memo.

read…read…read…read…on a forum specific to your car/motor

You can read and research and that will put you in a better position but until you actually get your hands dirty you will not truly learn.

fuck tooner shit, What ever happen to the good ole term wrenching or turning a wrench.

Tooning sounds like a 16 year old decided to make his mums camry baller with duct tape and pvc pipe.


x2, this thread is going to get torn apart fast especially since it is in Off Topic…lol







haha, great thread I’m learning, I mean laughing a lot


Ill start this out couse i have seen some scary shit on this forum from time to time…dont get me wrong…there are some really good peeps here…but then there are the basher’s …

#1.) If your new to engine tuning and or building, try to hook up with some peeps who rebuild or tune them selves…and absorb the info they give…

#2) Dont be afraid to post or to ask questions…everyone starts at the beginning…

#3.) Dont pay any attention to someone bashing your newbie post…if you are allways worried about what they say…you will never get anywhere with your project…besides…good peeps will chime in and smack em down…

#4.) read…read…read…read…S/A books are a good start…modifyed mag…project car…Dsport…are just a few good import mags to poke throu…and save!..for future refrence.

#5.)If your unshure of a procedure and are uncomfortable…take your project to someone who knows…watch there everymoove…and ask questions…

#6.) passing it on…pass on the info you have learned to others just begining…its a close comunity and we should all watch eachothers backs…no matter where ya live…and its a way to give back to others who are in the tuning world.

#7.) document…document your projects with photo’s and a small discription…so you can refer to it later…and allso pass on info with a pic diagram

this is just my opinion…there are many tricks to a procedure, and tool supliments…ect…asking questions on a forum and giving advice in return is just one way the comunity grows;as long as we keep it positive…if you disagree with a post…dont bash the poster with negitive crap…just state a point of view in a post…slanderouse personal attacks only show ignorance and inmaturity…Liquid_cool36

Wow, that was so insightful! I’m ready to start tuning now! Thank you!



:rofl: :rofl:

he called it tuning…aaaaahahahahahahahaha stupid ricer

me A toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooner noW
