Tuner beginner's..a guide

You forgot 8) ???

Believe everything you read!!
Bat Boy read the beginners guide and look at him now!!! Hes a TOONNNERRR!!!









this is what i wanted to see…had to find out how full of shit half of ya are…amazing…a buddy who lives in jersey told me about how lame this forum is…he was correct…mind you…there are a few cool kats…a few…the rest of you are worthless bashers…now i know he was corect about you folks there at pitspeed…nothin but wanabee’s

You posted in off-topic, which has very few limitations. Come on, you have to laugh at some of the replies!

If someone really needs help with something, automotive or otherwise, they can always count on people here.

How can you call us wanabee’s ??? Your the jackass whos sitting on a computer in Vegas bitching about how lame a Pittsburgh based forum is. Sounds like your just another Las Vegas wannabe tough guy to me.

Nice Ass, Kolar :kekegay:

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

You have to think really hard before you post on this forum or you will get that kind of reply. Serious questions are usually answered but useless shit like that are of no use to anyone on here but the lame noobs with there moms sunfire. There is an understanding that no one should ask gay ass questions or make statments that are pretty much common knowledge. Oh and if your new you will get bashed for quite awhile. get used to it or GTFO.


:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Not to sound gay or anything…
but I agree with Tod. Kolar’s got a hot ass.

I should of saved the original pic, the chick was ugly in her 50s

I read some of his other posts and this dude is a toolbag…


this is what i wanted to see…had to find out how full of shit half of ya are…amazing…a buddy who lives in jersey told me about how lame this forum is…he was correct…mind you…there are a few cool kats…a few…the rest of you are worthless bashers…now i know he was corect about you folks there at pitspeed…nothin but wanabee’s


Don’t you have a non-running 240SX that you’re currently still “tuning”? Most of the people in this thread have faster (running) cars then you. Who’s the wanabee again?