
WTF?!?!?! why do u keep closing the thread about my motor going??? why b/c ppl are discussing things that might have went wrong, or why it happened. Are u scared of a little debating on ur car forum. Are u angry that ppl are talking about cars on here? and ppl are not focusin on Off topic enough?

let the shit go and let ppl post in my thread, or do u still have something against me???

i got sick of the same arguement… that is all, it has nothing to do with any of the forementioned reasons. I see nothing good coming from the thread. End of story

weaksauce…i was out most of the day and didnt even get to say what some of us are thinkin is wrong with it also…u see no good, but i see no evil coming from that thread stayin open

quit stealig my damn wordidge weaksauce!

u just use it cause it has sauce in it, which makes u think of somthing, wingSAUCE, taco SAUCE, and pasta SAUCE

mmm wings

dude that term has been around the net longer then you been on PS

I understand that you want to have your side of the story heard, but unfortunately the thread has broken down to attack against quik tuning ability. An then the pissing match starts between kurt and quik and so on and so on. just let it die


I brought weaksauce to pittspeed!

have a mod get in there, and do his job and clean it up, or does that only happen in off topic?

merry christmas… if the thread gets out of hand again, I am just going to start banning people… i hate mondays especially when I spend my day talking to a guy in india all day long

did he wipe his ass with his own hand?

That has nothing to do with us here at PS,don’t take ur anger out on us becasue of a towel head:bowrofl:

youre right it was attacking my tuning even tho it had nothing to do with it. but you got soem dumbass mother fuckers out there that think they can bash my tuning cause of a vendeta they have with me or cause they ride someone else’s nuts. he wasnt trying to hear that true issue and just point the blame. first it was too lean now its too rich, and not knowing about ls1s he shouldnt even be in that thread


I am not sure… I did not ask him that question

I am not angry, just don’t want to spend the time reading through pointless banter in an on topic forum.


Twio threads with quik n I in it and no arguing yet…WOW! Go me(n quik)!

dear lord, can we keep it this way?? forever??? if u do, ill be a beliver again

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: