Lot this Fri/Sat MARCH 27/28TH

I noticed.
This time last year my tranny got swapped too but I went from an auto to a 5 speed.

I dont really like to fuck with daily drivers anymore.

i may not be there this summer either 1: the saab is dead, and 2. just gets repeatitive every weekend

It was a pain in the ass, but its done so.:clap

im sure we wont even notice.


im going from 5speed to stalled auto. :shifty


besides no smell of burnt k/y ,we wont notice

oof. i see where youre going with that…

i guess its proven ,trav and other told me

in the VW?


Interesting. I didnt think the import autos were all that good for racing and shit.

oh yeah its gonna be intense.3400 stall, shifts at 7450 gonna be NASTY yo.

Now Im pretty sure youre bullshitting.

dead serious. should be consistant low 11s

trans brake FTW

I guess Ill just have to see it to believe it

what time are you fools heading out?

you guys are nuts, it was freezing last night. Not going to be much different tonight