Lot this Fri/Sat MARCH 27/28TH

olds was next to the curb not onit + it blew up

I swear you hit that red wooden fence thing with it. I dont care though.
Just try not to do obvious dumb shit there.

He did ^^

And thats part of what pisses the managers off, and notice we got the boot sat night…hmmm

No. He didn’t dude calm down. I was standing right where you were and the managers nor any workers did NOT see anything.

+1 We were very well behaved The manager is just a prick.

word. Car did NOT touch the fence. If it was against it, I sure would pull away from it.

you did clip it but it wasnt noticeable. Im sure ppl do it every day.

I wont be around the lot…P and R for me.

ill do both sure, but i like the lot ive been there for yrs and only recently has it been a real problem ,sure we had small shit before but not like the past 2

Yes he did, as i WATCHED it hit the red wooden thing. So stfu and stop sticking up for ignorant behavior

when was this before i got there ,

well my bad then, i remeber getting out and looking and it was about 1.5-2in away from the red fence.

won’t happen again,sorry.

-newest member of fantasy factory.

Yeah I saw it too. He just tapped it real quick.

Idk to be honest with ya. He didnt nail it, but he got up on the curb a little bit and hit the wooden thing that people sit on, also blocking the path of people walking through there. Its just stupid behavior for no good reason.

No. You’re just using that as an excuse to blame someone for why we got kicked out. That’s NOT why we got kicked out.

ahhhh, then it was before i got there as itwas down near the end when i was there …

yeah it was right when we got there, pete pulled it up to the top.

in all honesty it dont matter ,its early in the seson we dont need the shit already .not blamin anyone or takin sides we just gotta use our heads as the fuckin minorities that we know as p/r arent gonna

I didnt say THAT directly was the reason. It CONTRIBUTES, thats all. Plain and simple, all it takes is one person to mention to a worker that the car is parked like that yada yada and the manager gets pissed. And you cant say its not retarded. You “young” guys need to brighten up a bit and learn respect for the place you hang out at. Dont shit where you eat. If i did something like that when i 1st started hanging out up there i more than likely would have got knocked out.

thats cause your car is slow not for bein a dumb shit:thumbup