Lot this Fri/Sat MARCH 27/28TH


I need to drop in a cammd LS1 to man the car up, haha

Im really thinkin about taking the car out this weekend…but idk if its worth it or not…

bring it bitch

Yeah… Woodlawn is all old people. The close proximity to lowlifetown and the drug run route do suck though. I also lol’d when the people next to me blew a speaker. Tiesto > your OEM speakers, bitch. (Fat annoying and loud… debated accidently beating her to death with the vac.)

which album :excited

I blast country in my car all the time. This one HOT girl kept looking over her shoulder at me when I was blaring “hicktown” by Jason Aldean last week. She definitely wanted the dick.

My grandparents live right by the school :lol

I live just over the bridge from Woodlawn. Aside from the 15 year old white wannabe gangstas its not terrible for being Schenectady.

Thats on the cd in my truck. Its a country mix I made. No hoes looking at me playing though, mainly because none were in the area.

In My Memory. Old skoolz!

I can’t figure out why everyone keeps trying to change the “lot”

Yes, I’m young, but it seems like the newer guys who have only been going to the lot the past maybe year or two are the ones who want to go someplace else and make it their own.

Thats fine and dandy, if you want a place to call your own thats cool. I’ve been going to the lot for 5 years. A lot of the guys there have been going there for 10+ years. I know and have met quite a few people. When I’m there I don’t feel weird going up to someones car and saying hey is this your car and starting a conversation, because thats how its always been.

Untill the lot turns into a giant pothole from a nuclear missle, or the cops mandate us to never go back and patrol it constantly it will never change. I’ve been to the park and ride a few times, its not a bad place but its not the lot.

It’s not as bad as everymakes it out to be, on most nights the worst you get is them doing burnouts down in Kohls lot in which case for the most part the cops are good to us, take care of them and dont bother us.

Don’t take a few bad events and turn it into this epidemic that happens every week.

Well #1, [Cobalt]Chris doesn’t even go to the lot and he’s trying to change it

I don’t see why he cares anyways, he’s to busy being a drunk and trying to get a girlfriend all the time. :rofl

i used to go up to kmart/bk or wheels(harbor freight) with my father when i was young, and brian williams pops(yellow, tubbed BBC 70 camaro) i have no problem staying around here. i dont cause a disturbance when im out so its not a problem for me

Plus I’m sure you can handle yourself in the unlikey event that anything happens and your somehow indirectly involved.

yeah, i’d be alright i think, unless i get shanked. :ahh

<---- conseals hand made shank in pocket

Haha, but really dude, those fuckers like to come from behind and crane kick you in the head, I’ve seen it first hand. I hope you have a thick skull! :lol

Filed down toothbrush? those are the best

I dont have any problems just dont draw attention to yourself and youll be fine.