they’ll be up. goin downstate tommorrow morn, so figure vids will be up, oh say… 5ish tomm?
aight cool
car sounds good, johnny boy
I was there for a lil then I bounced,was pretty cold not gonna lie.
Was a bit cool but not terrible. Not cold enough to stop the PR’s from coming out in full force.
it runs ok ,for bein stock and all:lol
who did ya run
nobody really ,was fuckin around wit cazwrx, and others nothin serious though noone would
Pete is no longer allowed in my car. He’s bad luck :rofl
You didn’t even stop and get out of your car FAG!!:haha
haha dude, you lost to a Saturn.
I drove by last night on my way home and saw everyone at the ext. Then as I was pulling into the crossgates parking lot I saw a cop drive by :ohnoes this was about 12:30ish?
thats when it went downhill:lol
that is most disappointing
There was a later race with an SRT4 getting smoked by a white Prelude- twice.
i was up in canada and i seen a civic smoke a v8 chevy vaga and best of all this camaro that sounded like shit smoke a wrx (what the hell happend)
turbo white prelude?
I think it mightve had a turbo. I dont really know anything about it.
shit i thought u guys all left i didnt know anyone was runing thats why i went home.
The guy with the Vega has a sweet mullet and looks like Dog the Bounty Hunter.
gold wheels?