Lot this Fri/Sat MARCH 27/28TH

Well obviously everyone let it chill for this week, and maybe next. THe PR’s will get busted/stop coming for a LITTLE bit if there are no races to watch/they keep getting tickets or arrested.

damage was done before we even got racin the other camaro.

goodluck tryin to stop the swarm from goin down early. just wait till they get busted and go back wayyyy later.

every yr we say it guess what this is no diff it wont change ,we need to weed out the bullshit and act like it was 3-4 yrs ago someone fucked up they got fucked up

Yeah Cameo was going wild grinding up his gears down the extension. I was amazed at the amount of cars there watching, it had to be like 25. Then the actual good race was actually a one beep then roll out PR style race

yeah the one beep and take off with the Jrod vs. Nick was gay…then some idiot was like “Oh yeah, see told ya, that hatch will take anything”


If someone gets busted, im not goin down again that night. Have too much to lose now, and not enough $ to get myself outta alot fo trouble.

The way we can keep the swarm down is by not running before 1am at the earliest. And exit the lot as if your leaving, not going down through the lower lot like ur gonna race.

We’ll see next week:shifty

Hopefully my shit will be out next week

Yeah, and you’ll be on the flatbed right next to me lol

the prob with that is to many loose lips run around sayin whats up and it still happpens

Well i think from now on, if there is more than like 10 cars or so going down when i run, ill just turn around and say fuck it. ANd eventually people will get the idea. Car pooling is key! Spread the word lol

yeah thats why we all packed in Kramer’s car. Family sedans FTW

haha word!

I think tomorrow the Intrepid is comin outta retirement!

racings gay.

I dont even know what that is!!

the thing i noticed that bothered me was before even leaving jaun came up on his 2step/anti lag. all the idiots heard that and got ready to roll. the events of tonight is all the more reason i wont race down there. ill just go to lvd.

2 years ago an APD officer “patted” me down and grilling me when i got caught down there … (my ride bounced) …Sully was there he knows … the cop gave me a better prostate exam than my Doctor …

Will you please stop insisting that everyone change spots, it’s not going to happen, its been this way forever, althought there was a lot of heat tonight… people just need relax and go when tis right , like adam said … 1 run and get the hell out

me and pete got lucky and we were the only 2 saw APD just chillen at the yellow light lookin at us and then pulled someone over

If you want to go to a differant spot go right ahead, im sure the few of you will have a grand ol time thats fine and dandy im not putting you down for it… but I like big groups of people and meeting new people… which tends to happen more at the lot

Agreed. I’m very tempted to make a thread to try to get us together@PnR, but I was going to wait until it warmed up a little bit.

Honestly, I’m sure we can get a small, decent crowd at PnR. No worries at all about lot loyals.