lot tonight wed march 25th

It’ll get reduced, that’s some BS

Yeah, Brett called Ray quick and he said plead not guilty and it should become a parking on the pavement. Such crap though. Bitch was prolly mad b/c i scared her while she was diddling her shit

women officers ftl

except that hot sexy ass colonie one :excited

good times.

vids up tommorrow.

Nicks S4 rolls out

Civic was fast and clean…I liked/

What were the outcome of the runs?

thanks, to bad i missed a gear when we all ran

on the way back me and nick had a good 60-140 and it was reallly close

nick on a clean run ended up with about 1.5-2 cars on me around 150 from a 60 hit.

Nice, not bad at all man!

its all good. I lifted because me and pete were looking at the guard rail and when I got back in it, Nick was already out ahead of us.

yea you guys were fallin back further and further on the way back.

Yea nicks s4 pulled up top. When the civic got a clean run with Nick it was dead even

request to move to street racing section LOL.

yeh we wanted to do another run with all 3

Pete has it on video. First run we went 3 ride from a 45 roll. Had a little traction issue from the hit, nick was out about 3 instantly on me and the civic…me and the civic stayed in it and I ended up with about 3/4 of a car before shutting down. Not sure what speeds…somewhere around 120

that damn semi was in the way:lol

All racing was done in canada pete, so were good!

im still trying to figure out how that S4 is so damn fast up top lol

Thing is just silly fast up top! And thats on pump!!

yeh tell me about it, i was at his fender for a while, and i bet if we went more then 140 he woulda pulled