love4boost vs. the world... Like anyone gives a shit

Park on my ferrari.

See what happens.

i still wanna see a jelies fight . let the retard strength out

poor lance

OMG Smoke pot car faggots.

I feel like he wouldn’t stop till someone was dead :rofl

I’ve already answered this in other threads, like I just said and how the way I talk not concered about what people think, if it sells by then it sells, talk shit, who cares lol… If it doesnt then we will run. It is very likely I will not get the $15k I seek by spring.

alright bitch, bring it

thats why i said poor lance

then a excuse will be made…

An exuse will be made if I have the car in the spring??? This is VERY unlikely lol, I drive my cars any chance I can get, if the s2000 was on the road it would be my daily driver right now.

but its dumpy so its not.

It’s dumpy becuase it needed a clutch? :wtf

I think you’d def suck my dick for my car if you knew id really give it to you… seriously. You look like a closet fag and I know you’d take my car in a heartbeat.

… I could say something right now. But I won’t ,better then that .

And, No I fuckin hate your car dude. I would scrap it in a second.


That its got a new aem ems that needs to be tuned? There, I said it for you

01-22-2011, 04:15 PM
Replies: 360
Anyone with a car trailor want to work?
Views: 2,441
Posted By love4boost
Thats fine with me as once I sell the car im…

Thats fine with me as once I sell the car im gonna delete my account on here, BMW is not fast so theres no need to be here lol…

And the only person I cared about racing was SSmokini99a

love4boost, I know you’re heated, but cool it.

I’m not going to ban you, someone else might, just because I dont consider what you said an actual threat.

Considering your background, and what could come of you getting into a fight with someone, I’d think you’re smarter than that.

(you used to be a sanctioned fighter, right?)

Seriously, just cut the personal threats/attacks out. He’s not threatening you, be smarter about it.

Actually no , oh wow ems ! COOOL BRAHHHHH

why did you quote that and send it? lol

now see thats fucked up , if that was duke or anyone else they woulda gotten banned .

If I was still licensed, I would never think about getting into a fight with someone off the street as its a felony and would bring serious jail time… Considering that I am no longer a licensed fighter I can start all the fights I’d like with normal consiquences lol… However I do apprechiate you NOT talking shit and will respect what you say and cool it.
