love4boost vs. the world... Like anyone gives a shit

Saw loveforboost s2k at synapse. Paint looks awful ,thought you just had it painted ?


oh god


I thought he had just gotten it resprayed lol . Looks like somone took sandpaper and buffed it. I mean I should talk about mine . But still thought this thing was “legit”.



Not running though.

Maybe he just has to buff one out on it

lmao yea … major buff

…It was painted matte red, not a gloss.

Duke texted me and told me he was gonna key the shit out of it.

relax, no matter how much shit we talk on here I wouldnt do that to anyones car .

that was t-monie yo , not laduke

OOOO SShitttttttttttttttttt!/photo.php?fbid=184786008218654&set=a.184021248295130.42461.100000617690757

You dont buff flat colors you fucking moron.

gotta love it , the garage got sold lolol

im sure it was a joke …MORON