love4boost vs. the world... Like anyone gives a shit

Yeah, its gonna be Allerdice Hardware

no…it wasnt, the kid legit looks retarded, im sure thats something he would think… And stop talking for people you faggot.

is that the best ya can come up with ? i mean really . that took talent , i mean im shocked dude . for all your monie ya claim to have ya still cant buy a clue i see

Is your car there right now? YOU might not, but I WOULD.

:rofl epic.

standddd up guy u are

Glad you quoted that. I forgot.

Best I can come up with? I didnt know this was an insult competition, im telling you to mind your own fucking business you bitch… Dude persists on talking shit about cars that he will never own while HIS car looks like its ready for the fucking junkyard… And where the fuck did this come from, I havent even said a word to this clown in weeks.

Yep, something a scumbag would do .

Yeah, make sure your home for the night, your fucking PAROLE officer might stop by. :retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap


who cares , like u havent voiced your oppinion right ?

Yup, JUST like talking shit, telling me you want to fight and then stop answering texts lmaaoooo. You little fucking turd, maybe if your car got fucked up youd be man enough to confront me in person about it.

im offnow , but im glad ya took the time to right that up and be wrong ya fuckin dope

in all honesty John probably isnt somebody you’d want to fuck with in real life.

My dearest apologies, your now a stand up guy again becuase your now OFF :retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap

Dude, its internet you need to relax… Some serious roid rage going on. If you wanna key my car then do it . Printed out this convo for police if anything does happen. Not the first time I have had shit done to my car or property . Good luck getting away with it broski

DUDE lol… I keep hearing this, from shift members and from him… He told me on SEVERAL occasions he wanted to fight me… He told me a couple weeks ago say something 1 more time… And guess what… I did… Where is he?? Cuz he hasnt paid me a visit thus far. Im not saying I want to fight becuase hes just a chimer while lapuke is the initiater but I WILL tell her if HE wants to I will NOT say no… I believe Nedim is a mutal friend correct “john” He can set it up if you’d like.

Considering keying laduke’s ride to cause drama.

Just saying.