love4boost vs. the world... Like anyone gives a shit

and u thought u are ? prison would have a field day with . esp bein someone that sprouts off at the mouth like ya do not knowin who someone is . u would be is p/c in 2 days

I’lll just draw a little 3" cock on one of the fenders so when I get arrested itll just be a misdemeanor which I can deal with :slight_smile: … Im sure the cops will love 5+ pages/pm’s of shit talking as well lol.

I was totally going to shower and go to bed early before this thread blew up. :rofl

some people aren’t as fortunate to have a higher income. Dont come in here acting like your better then anyone else because, your not.

i dont set up fights , im not in high school , im a creature of opportunity

ha k bud . print it out ! good luck

I had no problems with you… But are you a god damn motherfucking retarded??? What do you have stupid goggles on or some shit??? Loook downnnn motherfucker, whos causing the drama???

a little internet drama isnt gonna make him hunt you down but if you actually said something to his face it might be different.

Ask the Habib with a screwdriver what happened when he confronted John.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. I just was eluding to the fact that if some one else keys his car it’ll look like you did it, and shit will blow up.

I got a laugh out of it.

I don’t have a problem with you either, or anyone else on this site for that matter. I’m just sitting back and enjoying what I see.

is your goal to have everyone on this forum fucking hate you?

Here we go again… SHUT UP. If I wanted to make this about money I would have said my paint job costs more then what I’d buy his car for… Which I didnt… Id say the clutch I installed in that car is worth more then his car… which I didnt… I’d say the AEM EMS I just installed alone is worth more then his car… But I didnt…

His car is a peice of shit, for someone with a fortionate income and a broke ass motherfucker as well.

ha I could careless fighting you man. Its the internet … I have no idea who you really are . But coming up with scumbag remarks I am starting to get a feel for who you really are . If you cant take shit then don’t be on shift .

a.e.m isnt baller at alll . i have one in my car

Dude, I think you understand by now, at least you SHOULD, that I dont care lol… my goal isnt to make friends and its DEF not to be talked down to lol… I dont have problems with ALOT of people on shift, and guess who those people are!? The ones that DONT talk shit!!! Imagine that???

uummm… I didnt say it was? lol …It’s just the most recent parts that I’ve replaced hence why I brought them up, but thanks for the need to explain that you use an aem… And I meant ems… :wtf

but you JUST DID.

no I wont shut up about it. Everything about you is fucking materialistic and about money and all you do is rub it into other peoples faces that arent as fortunate as you.

haha I have aem as well ? Who cares about money ?. I am doing just fine if you really wanted to know.

How the fuck is that?? LOLOL, im pretty sure I recently open stated that im selling the s2k becuase I myself, am broke due to a recent purchase lol…


I dont really want to know, what I WANT to know is if you’d really talk to me the way you do now after being cracked in the fucking mouth… Think so? Seriously?