Random Pics Around the Shop


is that your own or a companys?

:tup: if thats yours


this was actually a carpeted/walled office building my dad rented out for a year when his new building was built in '95. that lasted a year, then he kicked them out, tore it apart, and used it as cold storage. the space became too small (you would not believe how much stuff was packed in here, a lot, a LOT…lol, i had to take it out).

anyways, this past year, the company put up a 6000sq ft TALLLLL ceiling cold storage building. stuff from the lot was being stolen, unaccounted for, etc…not to mention the company has just been expanding, and more space was needed). i saw the opportunity…and long story short, Firehawk853 and myself pay rent for it monthly. It worked out pretty well, i cant complain