Love4boost banned for 2 days.

2 reported posts of him breaking the only 2 rules on the forum in one day.

He knew the rules since it’s not the first time and he’s been warned/banned before.

Nothing personal.

2 days … thats it ?

I got a week for retarded shit .


You had a larger amount of accumulations over time.

haha true

who cares its the internet, im sure he doesnt care

Well I certainly dont care.

Why would you post this here? Your and idiot.

I would care if I was banned from here. I would hunt that mod down shoot him in the eye with a small caliber bullet and fuck the head wound but pull out just in time to blow it all over his face like the little bitch he would be.

Work would be so damn boring without shift

Shift makes my days go by faster, buttt without him theres no drama :banghead

Good. Banhammer in action.

links to said two posts? :slight_smile:

He basically said Laduke looks retarded, and said that he (laduke) would stop talking so much shit if he got cracked across the mouth.

Both of which are probably true



you should be the last one to talk about looks…just sayin

speaking of love4boost…he could have bought this MINT clean title turbo s2k for 2k more then the heap he purchased…


there’s a difference between being fat with an ugly mug, and looking like you have an unfortunate blend of aids and an extra chromosome.

I’ll take the former!