LSX Shootout pics

are all in here. it should be set to public.

LOL @ Guff

Nice pics Laura

Guffy your an idiot lol, I love it. I also like the pic of like 10 people on a golfcart at night near the end.

who is a idiot ? :rofl:

Nice!! Love the hair!


thanks jeff …it is starting to grow on me…lol

guff, holy shit, you are a ladies man if i ever seen one.

We actually had 3 or 4 more than that later on in the night.

wheres the cart picture. couldn’t find it.

you’re about a non-looking mother fucker…

haha i wish i could have got the pic with everyone that was on it later

well adams wheels didnt want to stay put for shit! 1st marking was from his first 2 passes and then the marking in the middle was from his last pass. moved about 6in over a 2 or 3 run span

tell adam to start screwing, and if he doesn’t know how, I’ll be more than willing to help him, do it for him!

I guess he should do something about the tires too…

great pics :smiley:

thanks for sharing!!!

Great pics Laura!!

Guff … Dude I dig the hair … keep it like that!!


:rofl:… i’ll prob keep it this way for awhile…but i dont got the motivation to actually gell it up like that …lol