LT4 Knock Module

Ok, I’ve officially had my LT4 KM on order since mid Jan and this thing is still on back order from Summit. If anyone has one that they pulled, or aren’t using anymore let me know. At this rate Summit won’t have it to me by the time Ed gets in town. The manufacture p/n is 16214681. Thanks folks.

I think he can adjust the knock on LT-1 's without the lt-4 module. Dont quote me on that.

new one from me from GM is 76 bucks

You can get one from GM? I’ve been to 3 dealers, and all have said they would have to order it and there is no update on how long the wait is going to be. Cochran says they may never recieve more, and thats about what I’ve heard from the other 2 that aren’t local. If you can get me one in the next 2 weeks or so, I’m game. I’ll nab that AND the shifter cable(with connecting arm from what you tell me). Let me know man, bc it’s getting close to that time of year. I’d rather not be chasing parts through the middle of April XD

I know there is a degree of false knock you can tune out, but not a lot. May have to just ask Ed what he thinks and go from there.

Did you try Colussy? I’ve found they have a lot of stuff other dealers don’t.

I’ll check monday!

Sorry I keep forgetting to reply about my KM. I’m pretty sure it is just an lt1 KM. The box does not have the PN on it, and the module has numbers on it that make no sense. I think they are the numbers for the case or something, but here they are:
I can send you a picture (not sure where uploader is with new site).

Yea, basically whoever can get it for me would be awesome. Just let me know Pewter. I’d love to do business with ya if possible.

Ok heres the deal,they are on backorder,BUT my guy found a dealer has two & knows there on back order,he want 110 each PLUS shipping! u want them i can get them,must be paid for befor i order them thanks!

A local dealer? Hmm. I’ll shoot ya a PM.

try e-bay ,they are less then 100 bucks!

Found out mine is for LT1.
Check classifieds.

I’ve checked but everywhere that said they had one, really meant they could get it in a few months. Oh well, no biggy. Hopefully JJ’s can hook me up before raceday.