Lucky kid...

[quote=]Scott David Sullivan was looking for his daughter at about 1:30 a.m. on Jan. 3 when he spotted her boyfriend’s 2010 Dodge Charger parked at a beach near Pleasant Lake, according to West Bloomfield Police Lt. Carl Fuhs. Sullivan looked closer and saw his 14-year-old daughter and her 16-year-old boyfriend together in the backseat.[/quote]

The water in the spot is about 4 or 5 feet deep," Fuhs said. "The car eventually sunk into the ice, with just the hood and roof sticking out. When they were trying to pull this thing through the ice, a lot of glass was busted and the body was severely damaged. "

I wouldn’t call this lucky…

That blows. Id probably do that if I had a 14yo daughter getting nailed by her 16yo bf.

They were fully clothed.

isnt that what insurance is for though?

shit happens let kids fuck, tell the dad to get the dick out of his ass fucking psycho, except when he goes to jail hes gonna have ten dicks in his ass

You dont have kids, do you? Because a normal person with a daughter wouldn’t think that :wink:

lol i do not, but i do understand that young kids are just going to fuck anyways

look at that thread 2 days ago about “this one time”, how many of us were fucking chicks when we were 15 and 16, and most of us turned out to be very successful non-child molesters :grouphug:

bottom line: cant control what your kids do when they leave the house, just try to teach them well and hope they’re smart about what theyre doing

This is true but condoning the behavior by just letting them run buck wild is ra-tarded. There has to be consequences, the dad went a little over board but not every kid is banging at that age.

also I am willing to bet that most of the “this one time” stories are exaggerated. Not to mention that every one has a whore story, not every kid is like that.

I’m with the father on this. If my 14 year old daughter was out still at 1:30am on a Sunday night, I’d be pretty pissed too.

Not saying that leaving the kid stranded on the ice is a smart thing, but he’s got the right to be pissed off.


Yeah this was a big deal.

Not as bad as the dad who executed his son in the front yard.

2010 challenger would equal lucky kid

Here was that story about the dad killing his son in Detroit

^unlucky kid…

thats no joke…

thats fucking sick. I hate detroit. Not just because of this but its so filthy. It is no surprise this happened there.

had no previous criminal history and had worked “for years” as a letter carrier for the United States Post Office.
disgruntled much



that 15 year old was molesting a 3 year old, god he should have died, he would of just kept doing it till the day he died

If I had a daughter that was 14 I’d be super pissed… if she was 16+ a lot less so.

it’s tough runnings for father of the year so far: