
Not true … I am looking at other shit on the comp . My problem is only big red

you justttt said everything in my post

Come on dukey stop seriously it makes you look even worse telling him to post it here. Settle the shit in person. Dont be and e-thug be a street thug. I dont think your a bad kid just retarded when it comes to modding cars. Confront him in person if its really getting to you.

boxing match!!!

So mad i read this thread.

yea I neg repped you because your saying shit that isn’t true, " I shoved my face with mcchickens" yeah-right. If you know me so well then you know im too cheap to buy food at mc’Ds.

oh yea cause you know me SOOOOO well. Funny I don’t remember EVER having a conversation with you in my life.

Oh I know.

There will be a boxing match between THE DUKE and Big Red this friday at deadbeatbitch’s house. Admission is $5 and all proceeds go to feeding Deadbeats cats


Forgot to mention if either of the aforementioned parties fail to show they will dragged down central ave behind Sully’s crappy pick up truck

I like the Tuna here.

No one likes the tuna.

reps!!!, shit i cant. next time

i like both u chodes but Duke, sorry to say i think u would get rolled.



If any one would like to attend this boxing match please say so. Duke and Dave better start training

What ever happen to just punching someone in their socket when you had an issue with them? Meh.