
yah… me vs you

plus repping chris leo right now for the epic post with sully in it

just saw this again and I am literally crying right now


More MS paint diagrams to come in future posts.


The weather is looking good for this fight. Waiting to hear back from the contenders so I can proceed with the ring assembly

Bunch of little girl shit going on in here.

Honestly, man up if you have a problem with someone talking shit in front of you. Don’t hold it in and take it like a girl. Let him know right then and there that he went to far. If he keeps at it, do what you have to, to let him know you are being serious.

Instead you hold your breath and then come make posts on a forum about how he made you mad behind a computer screen. And when ANYONE is on a computer they will talk shit and say things that most of the time, they would never say to your face, acting all tough when in reality, 90% of the time, if you confront someone who is being that way they will back down. They might run there mouths as they are walking away or when they get home on their computer but you can bet they won’t do it again to you in person. If they do, man up and make him know how you really feel.

Why do I suddenly hear the theme from Rocky?

Cause you caught the e-thug bug like every one else


Why has neither dave nor laduke posted back?

They’ve been waiting in line at Planned Parenthood on South Pearl St. for the past 2 days.

They were two seats away from each other in the HVCC library computer room today…I could feel the tension


What a bunch of doofuses.

Not gunna lie, everyones needless bullshit blabbering is getting in the way of the awesome pics and smileys here. Much more productive viewing if you just scroll through and stop on the pictars.

so whats the deal?

Dukes not my FB friend. :frowning:

bump… old threads ftw

I’m sick and bored so bring this shit back lol

Some one fight already