
whats this shit talking you talk of? ask dom or anyone else who was out the other night. :crazy

give me an example…

hahahahhah… alright im kidding… LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE

dude, gimme a break… all you did was talk shit about this kid all night. You wouldnt shut up about it, I was gunna punch myself square in the dick cause I was sick of hearing the shit spew outta your mouth. unfuckinreal…

haha loled… sorry for the inappropriate +rep

oooooh boy here we go… dont fuckin get me started on that

about laduke? ha I think your mistaken. The only thing I remb even saying related to laduke was saying i wanted to see him race certain cars.

you try to set me up races and you look like a total retard doing it . You stand there with that dumbass smirk and say stupid shit . You try to bust my balls every opertunity you get and you took it too far.Every where I go that involves shift guys and you are there , you have to call me out for something at the time. Like really … hop off .

in for lolz

it goes both ways, you make comments on most of my posts being a smartass.


calm down dukey! I will just come buy more fish from you and make you happy!

LOL jk. Keep going! So far, your dead on!

just a couple from today

Yea just recently … you have been doing this shit for MONTHS. You call me out at the lot repeatedly and I said NOTHING to you . Done taking your shit man , its not funny . Its annoying as fuck and its gotta stop. I know other people must of noticed it that night. I don’t know if you are trying hard to fit in or what the fuck you are thinking.

shits getting hott in here!

quit bein a pussy and man up… I was right there the entire time, you said so much shit about him. I’ll tell him everything if you have too much of a vagina to do so.

sounds like him to be honest.

Exactly dave, you made a thread… say it

well like I told you before, if it offended you I apologize. It was meant to be good fun. If you took it the wrong way im sorry.

oh yeah

hahahaha wheres the popcorn