

Listen asshole,

“good fun” is not that . Cut the bullshit dood. Say what the real issue is and stop pussy footin

:rofl wtf

I think dave is a good guy just he jokes with you duke. I wouldnt let it get to you.

Oh man, now Dave has hacked into skateshelter’s account!

I literally just finished a big bowl of popcorn. mmm.

I said it to you once ill say it again, I have no issue with you, if the busting stones was too far ill stop, plain and simple. you were the eon who said were not good an all this stuff. I dont see what the issue is…


lance got jokes lol, dom was i talking shit about laduke over the weekend? I was with you in your car the whole night, as a matter of fact I remb saying how you car was rollin out pretty good, but correct me if i’m wrong.


You truly are a pussy . I said we are not good after you try to make nice once I start shit with you . Like are you really that much of a vag to back out? You make a thread yet do not explain anything you say and why you do … in my book a person like that is a PUSSY

monies on laduke

No really bobby he was just messing with you trying to get you to run me thats it. This site brings so much drama its not even funny. And bobby i dont think he hates you as much as you think. And im not just on daves side i think bobby is a goodguy to.

omg :rofl lost it right there :rofl :rofl

Ok, proceed.

Heard about some good recipes over on

I’m almost positive it’s not just about the racing, so stop bringing that up. :facepalm

trying to make “nice” and figuring out what your problem is are two different things. what do you want me to do fight you, thats stupid.

Oooooooooooooooooooooooo boy