
lol it may look like a complete pile, but it runs can drive like a new car. everything under the hood/under the car is brand new.

previously noted… they do

it would be a shame if some your wires got mixed/ cut in the rewiring process


And I have said that … I ignore you and you come find me and annoy the shit outta me. You are like a fly that doesn’t go away. Then when I call you out, you come back with buddy buddy bullshit. You road up with kramer that day on that cruise down 9 and you decided to switch cars cause you no longer have a fast/fun car. No one wanted you in there cars and you come up to me and have the balls to ask me for a ride… FUCK YOU !. And poor dom had no idea what the fuck was going on. I drove by on 87 and there you are smirking in the back seat about to blow a load … like really?

L M A O :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

  • rep (if i can)

lol i never know who is in the back seat pete and joey some how find there way in there and random others.

Actually LOL’d at this post. Quality rarely seen from you :rofl


You truly are a complete pussy or a fagget . I am leaning on the fagget part now cause of this statement . But may come out to be a complete pussy cause you have yet to speak up .

at that time I didnt know you had an issue with me, sorry I cant read your mind. and yea i’m desperately looking to ride with other people cause my cars are so shitty…yeah right…


its a joke shithead, he can take them unlike you.

OMG did you just sprout a sack ? holy shit !

…he told me saturday that he sprout his sack on your chin dude.

