LUIS240SX joins Prestige Motors....for 7 weeks lol!

Im suprised Luis hasn’t posted anyhting yet in responce to his great performance :dunno:

Okay guys the truth is Luis is doing a great job I just think some of the things he does are funny. I had a hard time hiring him, especially after he provided us with his drivers abstract :lol:
126 kms/h in a 60 zone :lol: I don’t know how he didn’t lose his drivers license over that one :dunno: followed by 2 other speeding tickets LOL.

Anyway Luis keep up the good job and stay away from those Nissan Sentra SE-R spec V’s you like so much. (Every time Luis is not around neither is the black 2002 Spec V :-k ).

John put me in on the list of applicants for a job in the summer :slight_smile:

spotless abstract babyyy

luis luis… my porkchop budd… lol never knew you worked there… why keep secrets from me lol… ahh man thats funny, you did that in a 60 zone… holy shit… i just got 2 stupid tickets for rolling through stop signs… mother fuckers lol…

as long as he likes his job… and causes no probs then you have somewhere to work :smiley:

none of these things are true i didnt even touch that bimmer that day lol…but the audi that john drove in the keys were misplace somewhere else,goodjob john :thumright: except for the speeding ticket which was almost 3yrs ago and the alarm part, that actually happened, the car didnt even have a remote for the alarm so i was like f**k it, so i got in the car and drove off lol…


who else do u know that would do that lol…


He lost BMW keys again!!! That’s twice in less then one week!!!

I think he is building a BMW key collection at home :lol: LOL.

Good job Luis, Good job.

So it’s the end of the day and Luis is moving all the cars in, after driving the crap out of the 5 speed 2002 Lexus IS300 equiped with a turbo & intercooler and the whole 9 yards he was down to the last vehicle…our plow truck!
I don’t know why but I thought I would help him so we jump in and drive the plow truck form where it was parked (down the street) to the dealership, as we are pulling into the dealership this salesguy was outside having a smoke.
So luis thought it would be cool to scare him by pretending to run him over, so Luis guns it and drives straight into the unsuspecting sales guy. All of the sudden the guy turns around and he doesn’t know which way to go right or left he was like a deer stuck in the headlights.
Then Luis slams on th brakes and the ABS kicks in to make a long story short Luis stoped about 8 inches away from the guy and the guy got so scared he almost pissed his pants while me and Luis almost pissed our pants laughing.
Anyway good job Luis, good job you were 8 inches away from turning this into a tragedy all because of you f****** around on the job!
Another day in the life of Luis at Prestige Motors :lol:
Luis should have his own reality show for real :lol:

:lol: yeah we could call it. Life With Luis.

Oh wait, I think there was already a show called that, opps copy right infringement. :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s just call it… LUIS DA MAN!

^ Hey! You be quiet over there, where’s my Cusco sway bars biatch? Im gona have to get Luis to come plow you down soon.

Tuesday March 14th 1:50 PM Hey LUIS where are you? Get your ass in to work you lazy f***!

haha isnt he on his day off?

haha isnt he on his day off?[/quote]

Nope!!! Thursday is his day off. What a loser he is going to get fired lol.

Luis you constantly lose keys, you take forever to move cars around, you are always joyriding around with nice cars, you drive the crap out of nice cars, your constantly threatening your coworkers that you will kill them, you don’t show up for work 2 Tuesdays in a row, you don’t even call in to say why your not coming in, you never pick up your cell phone when we try to get a hold of you…

…Im sorry Luis but you haven’t presented your self as being worthy enough to work in this team


:lol: :lol: :lol:

John-ald Trump strikes again!

What? You think this is funny?

Bruce,… Where are my parts?

#-o !!!

is this serious? :-/

Seconded… kinda useless …no?
