Lunch 1/21

last time we were there we caused havoc too:rofl

nothing happend. stop trying to look cool :blbl:

lmao… this is about a completely diff night dude


ya not just a diff night but a COMPLETELY different night :stuck_out_tongue:

And what a night it was :wink: lol just kidding, I just wanted to add into the fun lol…but laassttt night well thats a different story lmao

u guys went out last night ? or am i confused as usual :stuck_out_tongue:

we gotta go downtown albany the weekend after this …

Listen homo…if you came to lunch yesturday like the cool kids…you would have known about last night…but nnnoooo SOMEBODY didnt wanna go lol

Heres a preview of last night…they sooooo wanted each other…look at Shady’s eyes…those eyes dont lie lmao!!!

looked like fun…whats with all the tongues lol

You werent there so you dont need to know!


sounds like a good time… :wink:

i was at advance auto watching you guys leaving lol. had my friends truck and forgot my cell :frowning:

should have came lol…and and btw nice meeting you lol

lmao @ Rankin’s face :rofl

had a good time at lunch cant wait for next wednesday …i hope theres more girls that go wtf …at least the waitress was good looking

girls FTW

yes sir