Lunch 1/21

yes sir!

i dont think im going kids :stuck_out_tongue:

btw i finally went tot he po po station earlier and told them i missed my court date shit so they didnt shoot me like i thought (too much gta iv) and are gonna send me some shit in the mail within the next 6 months (way to narrow it down) so hopefully they dont send it when im out of the country

Theres a party this weekend too

there will be tons of civic si’s there I swear srs bzns

it will be held in my pants…

Please RSVP

homo your awake, your coming

hahaha mack needs ridalin (sp)

a rdialin in my pants if you know what I mean

come here big boy

dont ask dont tell :gtfo

stfu before i tell your recruiter about your gay love for me and big black dick

and then show him these threads with your gay comments

and then show him all the stratigecaly placed gay porn i put on your computer as proof

your fucked

10% of unemplyment or I tell my CIA friends to unleash the fury

Tricia Noodz

hahahahaha i dont think thats a good idea on your part…

rusty nail
moves in the night

but on a side note: " i just wanna take my clothes off "

Touche my good friend…


hmmmm good times

Leaving here for Red Robin in a few minutes

see all you fuckers soon

I exspect Noodz of girl posters in this thready by the time I get back… in my PM box… titled “please just get it all over my face”

As for lindsay… Ill see you under the table…

hahaha funny…leavin my house now and meetin up with Slent…see you soon

ahahha under the table

youll be there too

dont worry, i wont forget about you

stfu itt.

lindz… post pics of me and Macks burnouts

what did you do rope the tires right in front of Red Robin? :rofl

yeah me and shady side by side lol

lol! People eating there were probably like WTF is going on :rofl