
Oh, it’s on. :open_mouth:

I can never make lunch plans during work. I never know where Im going to be at any particular time. Quitting time varies too.

sweeet, Ill give ya a call tomarrow night :slight_smile: or u can call me, pm me ur # if u want, i think u already have mine :slight_smile:

I’ll call you when we’re leaving the house. I think you live about the same distance away…

yupp :slight_smile:

lunch was fun, nice to meet more people from shift.

We’ll have to do this again if I feel like skipping class or it’s canceled again, haha

yea def cuz the gov cant tax them !

thanks for the paper, everyone loves more paper ! haha :rofl

hahahaha very intellectual conversation we had lol


i hope people arnt going to get sick of going to red robin b4 next wed …im going to be upset if you guys/girls do

I’ll go with ya… I am craving red robin soo bad.

Anyone want to go Monday for lunch?

my days off are tues and wed … so i can go then

well me, nicole, her bf and mine had a awesome dinner at buca’s tonight :slight_smile: finally got those yummmmmy martinis lol…me and Nicole were thinking of having a “shift dinner” there like on a saturday or something, we will work on planning it if alot of ppl are in :slight_smile:

WTF silent, you never wanna come to lunch with me.

this shit is weak.

you arnt a hot chick DJ …sorry …just kidding … na id get lost in troy going to your place …and get killed

i could go for some red robin

next wed we’ll all go ? right

maybe if the female board members show up, sausage fest FTL

hahahaha I might be down to go, nicole ? :slight_smile: