
No effin joke dude. One of my favorites.

I might have to go to red robin now for lunch tomarrow lol, shit sounds yummy

so we gotta go sometime ! :smiley:

All in favor of Shift get together at Red Robin…


Me and Tricia are going. Enough said. Get your asses out there.

Calm down, calm down, don’t get a big DICK!

That would defy the laws of science sir.

Whats everyone doing on sunday ? we should make it then :open_mouth:


I might be in Boston looking at CABRIOOOOOO!

The burger from red robin was fuckin tasty

a yo pete my nigga… take 2 steps back yo!

Bah-stun. :retardclap


Well i’m down for red robin tomorrow around 12 to 1 pm or w/e !

yea as long as its tomorrow im gonna be there, you know I love my hot sauce !

hahahahahaa :rofl that shit never gets old

nah tomorrow ! i wont be around for the weekend, im jumpin out the window on this one

yea my burger was awesome man ,thanks again for “treatin” me LOL and picking me up and dropping me off, felt like a date, i loved it !

chickety check y0 self before you wreck yo self !

Too far from my work to do lunch tomorrow. :frowning:

Except you dont put out anymore

no sex = not a date

hahaha anyone else down for tomarrow ? and u mean the red robin in latham right? not the one if cp ?

tell them ur dog died:rofl

ya im talkin latham im not gonna make everyone drive up to my hood !

but u can if u want too :smiley:

I could do red robin again

maybe around 12-1pm?

and yes the one off exit 7

your not my official anymore thats why, i got a new official, sorry you’ve been replaced

hahah sweet, so I’ll be there around 12 then :slight_smile: