LVD Drift Event.....June 19th!!

steve was doin what you were doing, gettin pissed and just lighting them tires the fuk up lol

I got a lot of really sick pictures with elliots camera… got a few good ones of you justin…

got a couple of kramer in a drift before the spin…

got some good ones of car ramrod too…

just gotta wait for elliot to put them up

I edit all my pictures so I’ll post them all on monday along with the VRT blog write up coverage

yea dude you killed it for your first time drifting on a track. good job man.

p.s. weld your diff soon!

yeah just I met your cousin too he is a pretty cool guy

word so the pics will be up in a few months, thx for the interest :stuck_out_tongue:

nah. Im not going out tonight so I’ll polish them off today. only takes like 10 minutes to edit a picture

Mine should be up on Sunday.

Very likely that it will be from Singh’s computer, after he kidnaps me and handcuffs me to the table. :lol

~1200 pics is no joke.

I’ll have to make Singh put up a gallery :ninja

Awesome time, looking forward to some pics/vids!

vlad bring vitamen water haha

Hurry up and post pics!

I probably took about 400 pictures that I kept…

I probably took almost 1000 but I deleted a lot of them as I went along if they were blurry or dident look good

someone post some damn pics.

Need pic of midair carnage.

Did that have the Silvia front? :cry:

The white one? I think it did.

Wait, no, it was an S14.


Jesus that isn’t good

Just watched that. Ugh.

watching the video it looks slower and less violent then it seemed in person