LVD Drift Event.....June 19th!!

i’ll prob be there around 3, why because i have nothing better to do. lol.

awesome. glad to see more of you guys are coming to watch and support.

I will be flashing people for $1

anybody that wants to ride along is more than welcome, they encourage it and I have a passenger seat…just come find me!

possibly attending with cp?!

im down for a ride along and paying ron a buck to flash me.

Thinking about bringing JClark’s helmet along, who ever has the sweatiest head can wear it.

Elliot wanna meet up and ride up together?

fuckkkkk i need my paycheck like right meow!

Benny fizz’es helmet can haz std’s now:eek3

so many partners

I have some sick pictures. Real sick. Although there are a few people i missed cause of sun or darkness

yea pm me all the CP plz


great event was glad to see alot of u there the turnout was great

i can haz sthd’s :Idiots


Like a preteen korean hooker my helmet is

lets see pics!!! i need seez pixzors of meh dorifto or i wont be able to sleep 2nite lol

had a blast today. GREAT event

where da pics at?

sorry dude but seriously, each time u went we were guessing how many donuts you were gonna do lol. that thing is such a pain in th ass i can tell


yeah i wasn’t expecting much. oh well. i got the hang of it a LITTLE in the middle, towards the end i was just fucking around making a smoke-show haha

Okay, drift n00b here, where do they run the drifts there?

+1 where these “sick” pics at?