LVD Drift Event.....June 19th!!

yeah in person i was like ZOMFG!!!

OMG that shit was violent. Sam sent me a pic and yeah, def did not do it justice.

*man fuck that fence

did anyone get pics of me on three wheels? the guy at the start area thing said at the last 180* corner i’d always lift my front left wheel… :lol

Pics will up tomorrow gentlemen.

Or we kick Singh back overseas :vlad

its tomorrow, where are the pics? :slight_smile: haha

^we got a funny guy up here

:hahahaha i madez teh funniez on te interwebz :ahh :rofl

I have my pics all editted and on the Vilent Running blog.

I cut 110 down to 50 or so. Like to the full folder is at the end of the blog feature

also hosted the same thing will be on my SRS BZNS blog

ron, we need your “guest login” for photobucket to see the rest of the pics

i love the ones you put on the blog thing, though!

^^ what he said ^^

shouldnt be private anymore. try it now and let me know

yup, it works. great pics!

soooooooooooo sick

I spent a solid 6 hours editting these pictures.

I like over editting my pictures, they maybe a little less real but they have a cooler look to them.

Ohh I also have all these pictures in huge sizes so if anyone wants one for a desktop PM me

I also have some wink wink nudge nudge SRS pictures. Those of you who know what I mean PM me for those too

^ Pics look good, I hope someone has a couple of me even though I got there late and just did donuts the whole time :facepalm

it was too dark for the crappy camera i had. I had a few of you but just couldnt get them to come out right

I cant focus on the pictures, feels like I’m tripping ballz. :rofl

awesome pics ron! man i need to get my car painted asap!

Awesome time Fri. for sure. I was very surprised at how well 94Sentra did :lol For real, pretty good for the first time I’d say



This man was killin it hard.