LVD Static

Z is mine and will be back in the track sooner than any of you expects it. I just broke a couple of things and they will be fixed. The z is a clean ass car still regardless of what is wrong with it at the moment. its not bad at all. I bended the right link and compression rod and it seems like the plastic rubber break line got cut on the side. Besides the big fact i fucked one off wheel. i mean stuff happens to all of us while we are learning and even to those that are professionals. Anyways i will have it by next event and hopefully i get to slide it a little better. Looks like too much camber for the style i am at the moment, plus no alignment was kind of crappy too and me being new at drifting. Car will be fix and it will break again…that’s life and i dont care cause i aint giving up on the z or drifting…

Happy Father’s Day to all.