Mac Mini

yea, i want to order a new one… i am completely confident that it would run everything flawlessly, mine is a good 2+ years old.

haven’t tried upgrading the ram, don’t know why, probably because it doesn’t really need it. I doubt the ram is the issue on chugging, but its possible I suppose.

Chino, it is not your box, it is the codecs man. My machine is pretty powerful. Quicktime struggles sometimes on mkvs. VLC works flawlessly.

VLC is good most of the time, Mplayer OSX is ALWAYS good though

edit: the reason VLC is flawless for you and not me is because VLC does not do software support like quicktime and Mplayer… if you have a better machine that is a good thing because it uses your hardware, if you have a shittier machine (like me), it is a bad thing :slight_smile:

sounds to me like it is not a hardware issue then

well, yes, you’re right to an extent… but with good hardware and VLC it can compensate. It’s just a supplement - and actually VLC is doing it incorrectly because they are being lazy.


It’s so stupid though, that you need to do that.