does anyone pwn one of these…have been looking at these but disapointed thats its a g4 (old)
…what are your likes and dislikes about them
does anyone pwn one of these…have been looking at these but disapointed thats its a g4 (old)
…what are your likes and dislikes about them
-Very small :tup:
-Pretty good speed, very stable
These things run HOT!!!. You MUST keep them well ventilated.
Not much expandability
even an old G4 still outperforms alot of pentiums
I like them :tup:
I have one if you want to buy it.
Spend the extra $800 and get an Imac? I’m curious. I love the displays on them and have nothing but good luck with the macs in the past
thinking about them… i was going to get one not too long ago…
haner… how much do you want?
ide rather one of these then an imac, i prefer my microsoft keboard and mouse, and monitor really isnt important…i think its a great little compact machine
Probably 450 shipped with 1gb of memory and tiger 10.4 cd’s.
pick up price? and you can show me your server room
they are good…
they do heat up… so don’t build a cabinet around them or put them in a tight space…
If you need someting for music, intarweb, and other light applications… they rock.
I’m waiting for some CC companies to get back to me so I can go and grab a G4 Laptop.
The issue with the Mac Mini beign a G5 is… G5 = very HOT chip… can’t put it in a small comptuer… otherwise they’ll have the same issue that happened w/ the cube… Melty Melty…
Mac Minis aren’t a bad Apple for the price. Rumor is Apple is going to make a multimedia version of it in the future, but you know how Apple rumors are.
The new iMac with the Duo Core is nice. We have a 17" one at work. Quick, and it has the camera and apple remote with it. And not a bad price.
i would skip the mini and get an intel mac. the intel macs are just so much faster.
I was reading an article not long ago about the intel macs and the person writing the review wasnt very impressed (not necessarily because of speed, but problems he ran into with it)… I’ll see if I can find it.
They are not 4x faster as claimed (Imagine that a comptuer company lying about it’s prouducts speed). They are about 25% faster fro what some places are saying.
Thats because they are using intel.
they are using intel because MOtorola / IBM were not doing much development to further the chip for a low volume company, as well as high cost, and slow production intel will, and that’s why they sigined with intel. they were thinking AMD but they felt they were going to run into the moto / ibm issue again.