this is mad funny watch pistons fly like popcorn… I love the crowd`s reaction when they saw the fire lol
then this topped it off
this is mad funny watch pistons fly like popcorn… I love the crowd`s reaction when they saw the fire lol
then this topped it off
haha my buddy’s uncle does tractor pulls, he rebuilds every second event, ive seen his tractor look just as bad if not worse when it blew 2 years ago
ps i was taking about the first clip
wicked shit. good find! tractor pulls are awesome fun!
i want that engine
… in my s13!!!
Nothing like a good old fashion tractor pull to show that red neck
YO!! in that second one the ENTIRE head drop off lol, i laughed so hard my parents woke up (NOTE: dont wake black dad that is a truck driver before work… not a good idea at all)
lmao ebay headstuds…
“studs break easily so that u save the head” its true still that head jumped off kinda quick i could swear its still good lol
Needs butter;)
And wtf are they pulling? Looks like a class room:D
ahahahah! the second video looked like a ghetto batman ejector seat or some shit
well @ least they know the bottom end, maybe they needed to pull the head off real quick lol
edit^^ is good
lol, in the first video the driver is like dazed, doesn’t do anything for a second. ahah
In the second vid it didn’t just blow off the head, but cracked the block off right at the crank mains.
tractor motor > truck motor?! lol
hahaha one of the comments on the video was hilarious
“Getting the driver to shit himself: good. Getting the vehicle to shit itself: priceless!”
the 2nd video is sick!
Second video made me lol so hard… Hilarious to see the head just fly out and get run over… Fucking priceless.
the ground was like gimme some head lol